可以,目前大多数Intel平台电脑都可以安装苹果Mac OS系统。解释:一般来说,在非苹果电脑上安装苹果Mac OS系统,俗称“黑苹果”。不过,Mac OS系统的软件兼容性较差,一般主要是一些专业设计师、视频渲染等用户使用的较多,娱乐软件、游戏兼容较差,并且黑苹果本身安装十分折腾,普通电脑,安装苹果Mac OS系统...
Neither Secure Boot nor TPM is essential to the day-to-day operation of the computer. The two are so non-essential that hardware vendors often disable them by default. I’ve never used them, and virtually all Intel-based Mac computers don’t have TPM. They are likely excuses for Microsoft...
很多基于Intel处理器的Chromebook也无法以非破解手段支持Windows,反过来如果微软那边准备好的话M1 Mac完全...
GPO: Turn On Update Notifications for Windows 10 Education 1903 gpresult /R /scope:computer it returns access denied. gpsvc service failed the sign-in - Windows 10 Roaming profiles gpupdate /force /target:user hangs Gpupdate.exe hangs (stuck on "Updating policy...") Windows 10 Pro Group Po...
Mac Pro (2019) Any Mac in the lineup released before the models mentioned will never officially support Windows 11. Any Mac released after these models still running Intel-based processors will have the necessary requirements to run the operating system, but official support hasn't been provided...
Macbook Pro 15.1 2018 intel i9 Windows is working fine. Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simplyask a new question. User profile for user: Coollbee Coollbee Author User level:Level 1 4 points...
Is it possible to install it on Windows 11 HOME 64 bits? Is Windows PRO mandatory? My new notebook has an i7 12650H, 16 Gbytes DDR4, and 500 GBytes SSD. Brand new.Thanks Armando Translate 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous topic Next topic 1 Reply...
我有个99成新的MacBookPro是最后一代Intel芯片的苹果电脑,便宜出了,后悔了,Intel芯片的能在Parallels Desktop(苹果平台的虚拟机软件,类似Windows平台下的Vmware)里用x86 x64的镜像文件安装所有系统。 苹果新一代的ARM芯片(苹果自己的M1、M2、M3)只能用ARM的镜像文件安装系统。
● Intel大小核处理器面临的问题和展望x86阵营也开始做大小核有关M1芯片为何能达到这个程度,我会另外撰文详述。M1的逆天表现虽然不是本文要谈的重点,不过M1的出现却已经向市场证明,Arm在PC高性能领域是大有可为的,与此同时还能兼顾低功耗。从极客湾测试的数据来看,日常工作中,M1版MacBook Pro的功耗之低,与整个x86...
I can consider myself lucky that I managed to install Windows 11 (Insider Preview) On MacBook Pro (13-inch, mid. 2012), without using any hack. I just installed it initially Windows 10 through Boot Camp Assistant, then I easily managed to upgrade to Windows 11. So y...