i7-7700k是第7代的cpu目前不语院会能升级windows11。 Windows11最低配置要求来自: 处理器:1GHz 或更快的支持 64 位的处理器(双核或多核)或系统单芯片 (SoC)。 内存:4GB。 可用硬盘空间:64 GB或更大的存储设备来自。 图形卡:支持 DirectX 12或更高版本,支持WDDM 2.0驱动程序。 系统固件:支持 UEFI 安全启动...
Solved: My computer is not eligible for Windows 11 due to my i5-6400 CPU. I would like to upgrade to an i7-7700K. Is this CPU a proper choice and do - 9256921
The i7-7700K meet the minimun requierments to run Win11. But its not suported, Why? Hi, I have an i7-7700K. This CPU have TPM 2.0, It's compatible with Secure Boot, it have 4 core up to 4.2 GHz. It also is 64bit. I don't know why this CPU is not...
AMD Ryzen 5 Mobile 4500U对比Intel Core i7-7700K @4.20GHz,单核性能:4500U(489.2) | 7700K(492) ,多核性能:500U(2859.5) | 7700K(2648) 。意味着4500U(15W)的性能跟7700K(91W)的性能在体验方面已经是不相上下了。 AMD Ryzen 5 Mobile 4500U处理器集成AMD Radeon Graphics图形处理器,GPU代号:Renoir...
Hi, I have an i7-7700K. This CPU have TPM 2.0, It's compatible with Secure Boot, it have 4 core up to 4.2 GHz. It also is 64bit. I don't know why this CPU is not supported by Microsoft to install W...
内存:4GB或更大。存储:安装Windows 11需要64GB和更大的可用存储空间。系统固件:UEFI,支持安全启动。T...
Forcing extensive hardware upgrades (a.k.a. license purchases) on machines only a few years old (with very specific processors that do not have reported issues) that support TPM2.0 for no engineering reason I can think of. The Core i7-7700 was being put into new machines in 20...
额,我i7 4790k能安装 徵岚之伤 win 1 我的是i7 7700hq,直接win10装载镜像setup安装了。开启了dev通道,不知道后续更新会不会有影响。 橘子橘子橘子汁 win 1 Dev通道可以安装 hy2245723353 win 1 e3 1271表示已经安装最新推送的win11 不卡 贴吧用户_07tN9NC win 1 e31230v3已经更新官方推送的win11...
Solved: Hi, As title says I own Intel Core i7 7700 CPU @3.60GHz but Windows 11 PC Health Check states that it's uncompatile with Windows 11 (whereas