要在 Windows 11 或 Windows 10 电脑上执行此操作,请右键单击应用程序安装程序,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。在用户帐户控制提示中选择是。您的安装程序现已以管理员权限打开,允许您毫无问题地安装应用程序。重新下载您的应用程序安装程序 如果您在运行应用程序安装程序时仍然收到 NSIS 错误,则您下载的文件可能...
nsis电脑图解2 在百度输入法属性窗口的目标(T)栏中的目标后,输入一个空格后,再输入/NCRC,点击:确定。 电脑电脑图解3 双击运行:百度输入法快捷方式安装图标,百度输入法就能顺利进行安装了。 error电脑图解4 error电脑图解5 如果还出现Nsis Error对话框,软件不能继续安装,那应该是百度输入法文件损坏,必须重新下载百度...
This is, undoubtedly, the simplest and quickest method to fix the NSIS error in Windows 11. However, you may encounter trouble running it if the setup file name is long or has special characters that the OS fails to recognize. Hence, it’s recommended that you use a simple name for it....
How do I get rid of NSIS error in Windows 11? To fix NSIS errors on your Windows device, rename the installer file and move it to a different location. Also, try running the NSIS installer in Clean Boot mode or force install it using Command Prompt/PowerShell. Why is NSIS error random...
First leave the NSIS installer error message open. Do not close it. 1. Now, PressCTRL + SHIFT + ESCkeys together to openTask manager. 2. Now, Locate the NSIS error. 3. Right click and Click onGo to details.This will let you identify the culprit program responsible for this. ...
Effortless solutions to “Setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error” message in Windows 11. Fatal errors are becoming a common issue that pops up after installing any application. The “Setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error” generally appears because of some misconfigured serv...
Windows7如何解决安装软件时提示NSIS Error? Windows7如何解决安装软件时提示NSIS Error? 1.右键点击安装包文件,选择添加到“桌面快捷方式” 2.右键点击前一步创建的快捷方式文件,选择“属性” 3.在“目标”栏中末尾输入一个空格后,再输入/NCRC,点击“确定”,此时再执行该快捷方式文件即可。
System Restore is a handy tool that can help you revert to the last known good configuration on your Windows PC. If you face the NSIS error after installing or updating an app, pick an old restore point when your PC worked fine and apply it. Here’s how: ...
这次出现NSIS Error 错误提示的病毒查杀过程差不多。进入到C盘,可以发现C盘多了两个病毒文件,avp.exe和+winsys.exe。不过这台电脑感染的病毒文件比前面的多。 病毒行为分析,依顺序为 1——avp.exe运行后,首先运行应用程序(Explorer.EXE) 2——修改其它进程内存(iexplore.exe) ...
Windows 11 21H2 64位 专业版技术员系统采用全新独特的封装技术,基于微软官方原版系统制作,无任何精简,保持系统原汁原味更加稳定,安装部署过程仅需3-4分钟即可完成。系统集成最新累积更新补丁,自动识别最新硬件驱动,适合个人及游戏玩家使用,深受系统爱好者的一致好评,潜心专注每一处微小细节,设置布局更加突出完美,再加上...