印表機和掃描器。 更多類型的裝置。 若要將藍牙裝置與 Windows 配對,Windows 裝置必須具備藍牙。 大部分的 Windows 裝置都已內建藍牙。 如果 Windows 裝置沒有藍牙,您可以將 USB 藍牙適配卡插入 Windows 裝置上的 USB 埠以新增藍牙。 Windows 11 開始之前,請確定 Windows 裝置支援藍牙。 如需如何檢查的詳細資訊,...
If your computer encounters Bluetooth functionality issues (such as inability to connect, missing functionality, frequent disconnections, missing Bluetooth icon, or exclamation marks in Device Manager) when connecting to external Bluetooth devices (including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, game ...
To troubleshoot whether this stems from a Bluetooth problem with your computer or a compatibility issue with the Wii controller, we suggest you test by connecting another Bluetooth device to your computer to check if it functions. Additionally, you can attempt to update the ...
Learn how to troubleshoot Bluetooth problems in Windows. Resolve issues connecting a Bluetooth device or accessory.
In most cases, the AirPods not connecting issue indicates that you’re using abroken or outdated Bluetooth driver. To fix this, the easiest and quickest way is to reinstall the Bluetooth driver on your PC. To do so, first you need to uninstall the Bluetooth driver: ...
The problem is that when searching for devices on Windows, it does not see any, although connecting devices are also searching, for example a phone or a bluetooth mouse. And It has the phone can see the mouse and connect to it. However, the Wi-Fi interface works ...
The problem is that when searching for devices on Windows, it does not see any, although connecting devices are also searching, for example a phone or a bluetooth mouse. And It has the phone can see the mouse and connect to it. However, the Wi-Fi interface works normal. The...
2. What to do if my iPhone is not detected on my computer? 3. Is iTunes still available for Windows 11? Myra Updated on Jan 10, 2025 1772 Views | 3 min read Connecting an iPhone to a Windows PC requires both hardware and software support, and there are many workable ways to ach...
Hi, I have some issues with audio. I face trouble while connecting my laptop to bluetooth speakers or earphones, and also faces audio breaking - 9130478
Fortunately, if you’re using a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer, you can enable Bluetooth easily. We’ll show you how to do this and run through some troubleshooting tips if you’re having trouble connecting your device. It may turn out you need to do a bit of a spring clean on th...