Windows 11Windows 10 注意:我们知道某些 ARM 电脑 (例如 Copilot+ 电脑) 无法使用随附的安装程序或从制造商网站下载安装程序来添加/安装打印机。 若要解决此问题,请转到“设置 > 蓝牙 & 设备 > 打印机 & 扫描仪”,然后单击“添加设备”以手动添加打印机,除非制造商具有 ARM 电脑上 Windows 的具体指...
If the printer appears asOfflineeven though it is powered on and connected, follow the below troubleshooting steps to resolve. Run the Windows printer troubleshooter If you are using a Windows 11 device, start by running the automated printer troubleshooter in the Get Help app. It wi...
Printer Setup, Software & DriversSoftware new computer windows 11 printer offline Tags: HP ENVY 4520 All-in-One Printer View All (1) Category: Windows 11 I have the same question 1 REPLY Nal_NR 24,751 949 1,109 Moderator 11-22-2022 03:06 AM Hi @yobill, Welcome to the ...
Printers may appear offline if they cannot communicate with your computer. When using a network printer, you might notice that it works for others but not for you and it shows offline on your side. This just means that your printer is having a hard time connecting with your computer. It ...
機碼:值:HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\<print queue name>PrinterOnLine 資料:0 不過,刪除列印佇列時,Localspl.dll檔案不會刪除此值。 因此,當您新增與舊列印佇列同名的列印佇列時,新的印表機佇列會繼承已刪除列印佇列的離線狀態。
键:值:HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\<print queue name>PrinterOnLine 数据:0 但是,删除打印队列时,Localspl.dll文件不会删除此值。 因此,添加与旧打印队列同名的打印队列时,新打印机队列将继承已删除打印队列的脱机状态。
If a screen displays prompting to make your printer the default printer, click Yes and continue. If you are still facing printer offline problem follow HP Printers - Printer is Offline (Windows) See Additional resources if the problem is unresolved or if there are other printing problems. Resolv...
Windows 8/8.1: Printer Offline Problems Are you getting an error that your network or wireless printer is offline when you try to print? When you print to your network printer, does it fail, and when you check the printer status it says Offline?
Network Printer Not Showing When Installing via Command Line Network Printers removed at log off Network Resource Type not correct - Help Network scanner setting location New Edge ADMX New error with symlinks—"Cannot move the file to a different drive" No "Local User and Groups" in Computer Ma...
Windows 11 Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3593] On one PC in my local network I have no acces to local devices (NAS, printer, ...) on the network. A ping to the respective devices yield a general failure. However, I can connect to internet.. The… Windows Network Windows Networ...