虽然 noMeiryoUI 依然兼容 Windows 11,Windows 11 上更多的系统组件、官方应用并不默认遵守该设置,导致字体修改效果十分有限。 因此在 Windows 11 上我选择一种比较 dirty 但是好用的手段──将其他字体(例如更纱黑体)重新打包成伪装的「微软雅黑」并移动至 Windows 字体文件夹下以欺骗系统。 chenh96/yahei-sarasa...
▍Windows Auto Dark Mode - 自动深色模式 GitHub: https://github.com/AutoDarkMode/Windows-Auto-Night-Mode 相较于 Windows 10 主题色、背景和明暗模式的割裂设置,Windows 11 将更统一、更完善的「个性化 - 主题」设置提到更优先位置,并提供若干预设主题。但是 Windows 11 仍然没有 macOS 那样的自动切换深色模...
Applies to: removing data storage drives like D, E, and F in a Windows 11/10 computer; delete one partition each timeTo remove partitions in Windows 11/10 using Disk Management, follow the steps below:Step 1: Search "Disk Management" at the Start Menu.Step 2: Right-click the drive or...
Remove elements from a photo like they were never there with Generative erase. All your files in one place Finding a file shouldn’t be hard. File Explorer in Windows puts all your files and folders in one place. There, you’ll find recommended, favorite, and recent files you’ve used ...
If you can’t remove a Windows update, you can try to start Windows into safe mode to uninstall a Windows 11 update. You can follow the Way 4 above to boot your computer into WinRE, select Startup Settings and click Restart, select a safe mode option to boot your Windows 11 computer...
How to Remove Services From Windows 11: Command Prompt You can delete Windows services using a short command on the Windows Command Prompt app. However, before you can go on and learn the code you need to use, you must find the Service Name first. Here’s how you can learn the actual...
建立Windows 10/11 裝置限制配置檔。App Store這些設定會使用 ApplicationManagement原則 CSP,其中也會列出支援的 Windows 版本。僅限行動裝置 (市集) :[封鎖] 會防止使用者存取行動裝置上的應用程式市集。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 根據預設,OS 可能會允許使用者存取應用程式...
DecisionSModeState_CO21H2Setup 此裝置上存在此類型物件的總數。 DecisionSystemBios_20H1Setup 此裝置上存在此類型物件的總數。 DecisionSystemBios_CO21H2Setup 此裝置上存在此類型物件的總數。 DecisionSystemDiskSize_CO21H2Setup 此裝置上存在此類型物件的總數。 DecisionSystemMemory_CO21H2Setup 此裝置上存在...
Way 3. Remove OneDrive on Windows 11 using Registry Editor For Windows Home users, the empty OneDrive folder is not visible in File Explorer. However, users of other Windows versions will have the empty OneDrive folder present. If you wish to remove the OneDrive folder from Windows 11 Explorer...
I was wondering how to Boot Windows 11 in safe mode. Worry no more; this article will help with multiple methods and easy-to-follow steps. Keep on reading!