升级到 Windows 11 时需弃用及移除关键功能列表 放弃和删除的功能 在从Windows 10 升级到 Windows 11 或在安装 Windows 11 的更新时,某些功能可能会被弃用或移除。请查看下方与受影响的一些主要功能有关的信息: CortanaWindows 版 Cortana 作为独立应用,已被移除。
Hardware requirements To install or upgrade to Windows 11, devices must meet the following minimum hardware requirements: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on acompatible 64-bit processoror system on a chip (SoC). ...
为了支持 Windows 11 最低系统要求,我们同步制定了不包含 TPM 2.0 和处理器系列 (型号) 要求的 Windows 预览体验计划标准。通过面向不同硬件配置规格的电脑提供 Windows 11 预览体验版本,我们将更加全面的了解 Windows 11 操作系统在不同型号处理器中的运行状况,为 Microsoft 日后调整 Windows 11 最低系统要求提供数...
Certainfeatures require specific hardware. System requirements to run some apps will exceed the Windows 11 minimum device specifications. Check device compatibility information specific to the apps you want to install. Available storage on your device will vary based on installed apps and updates. Perfo...
The specification defines the Windows minimum hardware requirements necessary to:Boot and run Windows Update and service Windows Provide a baseline user experience that is comparable with similar devices and computersThe goal of this specification is to enable OEMs, ODMs, Silicon, and other ...
如果不符合最低系统要求的设备在升级到Windows 11后遇到Windows 11问题,Microsoft建议返回Windows 10。 若要返回到不受支持的Windows 11设备上的Windows 10,请执行以下步骤: 在不支持Windows 11设备上: 右键单击“开始”菜单,然后选择“系统>恢复>设置”。
Hello, So I'm trying to get windows 11 through the Insider program but it says I don't meet the requirements even though I'm pretty sure I do any help is...
存储:64 GB 或更大的存储设备。 如果你的电脑没有足够大的存储驱动器,有时有升级驱动器的选项。 你可能想要咨询电脑制造商网站或与零售商联系,了解是否存在满足 Windows 11 最低要求的简单且经济实惠的选项。 系统固件:适用于统一可扩展固件接口的 UEFI (,这是一种支持) 和安全启动的电脑 BIOS 的新式版本。
Your PC does not meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11. Your channel options will be limited.The Insider Settings were locked to Release Preview with other options greyed out.I downloaded and ran PC Health Check which complained "The processor isn't currently supported for Windows...
Devices must meet the following minimum hardware requirements to install or upgrade to Windows 11: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or system on a chip (SoC). RAM: 4 gigabytes (GB) or greater. ...