Windows 11 Media Creation Tool offers two choices. You cansave your media to a USB flash driveorISO file. Note, however, that your USB flash drive needs to beat least 8GB.Meanwhile, you need toburn the ISO file to a DVD later. Additionally, the process can be confusing for novice users...
1、打开微软下载WIN11网址,找到“创建Windows11安装”,点击立即下载 2、下载完成后,双击运行mediacreationtool.exe程序,查看许可条款,点击接受 3、选择制作U盘,点击下一步, 4、插入准备好的U盘,...
6.2B 使用 MediaCreationTool 制作的 Windows 11 可启动 U 盘,搭配非空硬盘,引导安装 Windows 11 并对磁盘进行分区 A. 个人主页历史文章索引 0. 写在前面 本系列文章【新装机:参考指南】希望通过图文描述,辅以操作视频参考,来分享具体的装机流程及操作,包括硬件安装以及软件安装,软件安装又可以进一步细分为操作系统...
Windows Media Creation Tool free download.Always available from the Softonic servers Free & fast download Always available Tested virus-free Free Downloadfor PC Alternatives toWindows Media Creation Tool App specs Platform Windows WinFindr 4.9
创建Windows 11 安装媒体 如果你想在新的或二手的 PC 上执行 Windows 11 的重新安装或全新安装,请使用此选项下载媒体创建工具以制作可启动的 USB 或 DVD。 注意:Windows 11 媒体创建工具不能用于为基于 Arm 的 PC 创建安装媒体;只能为 x64 处理器创建媒体。
If you want to perform a reinstall or clean install of Windows 11 on a new or used PC, use this option to download the media creation tool to make a bootable USB or DVD. Note: Windows 11 media creation tool cannot be used to create installation media for Arm-based PCs; it can only...
Create a Windows 11 installation media Go toMicrosoft website, click[Download now]①in theCreate Windows 11 Installation Mediafield. Go to the downloaded folder of the tool, then double-click[MediaCreationTool]②file to start the installation. ...
Create a Windows 11 installation media Go toMicrosoft website, click[Download now]①in theCreate Windows 11 Installation Mediafield. Go to the downloaded folder of the tool, then double-click[MediaCreationTool]②file to start the installation. ...
Step 2: Create a Bootable Windows 11 USB Drive Download theWindows Media Creation Toolfrom Microsoft’s official website. Run the Windows Media Creation Tool and accept the license terms. Select “Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC” and click Next....