4、WDS安装完成后,添加启动映像; 5、选择一下刚才MDT里面生成PE; 6、添加安装映像,同样的微软机器翻译,这里倒是映像了,没离谱地写成“图像”; 安装映像,就是Wiindows 11的ISO文件里面的install.wim文件,导入即可。 五、客户端测试: 1、开机按F12(不同的电脑,有可能不同),选择从网卡启动,然后启动到以下画面; ...
Benefits of MDT MDT is a free tool developed by Microsoft to accelerate OS deployment to workstations and servers. Let us look at some of the key advantages of using MDT: The major advantage of using the MDT to manage your operating systems is that it is free. Using the MDT, you can ...
4、WDS安装完成后,添加启动映像; 5、选择一下刚才MDT里面生成PE; 6、添加安装映像,同样的微软机器翻译,这里倒是映像了,没离谱地写成“图像”; 安装映像,就是Wiindows 11的ISO文件里面的install.wim文件,导入即可。 五、客户端测试: 1、开机按F12(不同的电脑,有可能不同),选择从网卡启动,然后启动到以下画面; ...
For the latest information about MDT, see the MDT release notes.Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) contains tools that can be used by IT Pros to deploy Windows.Download the Windows ADK and Windows PE add-on for Windows 11 here....
安装MDT控制台组件,下载 地址:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259 安装ADK 建议把所有的组件功能包全部安装上 安装PE ADK MDT安装完成后 打开“DeploymentWorkbench”,选中“Deployment Share”右击,选择“New DeploymentShare” ...
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)(https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259); The latest version of theWindows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)with Windows 11 version 24H2 support (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install); ...
[2]Or other mobile device management (MDM) solution. I've tried configuring the Windows 11 layout using a .JSON and .XML file without success. Could you release an updated version of MDT to fix this ?
Evening all, I'm having an issue deploying Windows 11 23H2 via MDT. It gets to a certain point and then stops with an error telling me: 'Logon...
This article will help you gain a better understanding of how to use the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), as part of a Windows operating system deployment.