我们已经测试了 Start11(以及替代的 StartAllBack,另一个 5 美元的程序),如果您有兴趣让 Windows 11 看起来更像 Windows 10,我们强烈推荐这两种程序。这些程序还可以帮助您避开Windows 11 的一些任务栏问题。 更改图标 Windows 11 中的任务栏图标与 Windows 10 非常相似,因此您可能不需要更改它们。整个操作系统中...
Follow these tips to get Windows 11 to be more like Windows 10, complete with a different Start menu, taskbar and wallpaper.
Microsoft knows how you want Windows to look. That, at least, seems to be the company’s message withWindows 11. It makes big changes to the user interface and continues the trend of making user customization more difficult. That’s part of the reason why some of PCWorld’s staffwish th...
So with my fruitless looking due to all the win 11 this win 11 that spam(new tech spam is a nightmare), causing to find ANYTHING hell on earth i was wondering if its possible to make Win 11 Completely look like Win 10 ? Since due to my autism the change of an OS is a massive ...
Specifically, I followed Tom's Hardware guide (https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/windows-11-look-like-windows-10), so I installed and customized Open-Shell and set the NoTaskGrouping and UndockingDisabled Registry values: now Windows 11 really looks almost identical to Win...
1Windows 可以备份运行 Windows 10 及更高版本的电脑中的文件、设置和应用。还原功能在 Windows 11 版本 22H2 及更高版本上可用。可能存在地区限制。 2需要 Microsoft 帐户。包含高达 5 GB 的 Microsoft 存储空间。超过 5 GB 的数据传输需要有效的 Microsoft 订阅或试用。
1.Check if your PC can run for Windows 11and then perform an installation if the machine is compatible with the new system. 2. Make a backup withfree backup softwarelike MiniTool ShadowMaker to roll back to the previous version in case of update issues. ...
进入Download文件夹,右键解压,打开Make Windows 11 Look Like macOS (Tech Rifle)文件夹。 打开1. 7TSP Icon Theme文件夹,找到7tsp GUI v0.6(2019).exe,右键以管理员身份运行。 打开后点击Add a Custon Pack, 选择Make Windows 11 Look Like macOS (Tech Rifle)-1. 7TSP Icon Theme-7tsp Big Sur LightMo...
Make Windows 10 Look, Perform and Feel like Windows 11 Easily (Skin Pack) It is done in two ways: Option #1:Simply install a ready theme pack from DekiSoft. Option #2:Install all by yourself by following the steps below. Let’s continue. ...
Windows 11 includes an assortment of tweaks to many of its visual elements. Combined, they make Microsoft's next OS look cleaner and sleeker than Windows 10. You can already bring your Windows 10 desktop closer toWindows 11's by using some of its wallpapers. Beyond that, you can get even...