Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.22000.1 /packagename:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.22000.1 /packagename:Microsoft-Windows-RetailDemo-OfflineContent-Content-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364...
initiatedOffline 指出作業是針對離線 Windows 影像檔或執行中的 Windows 執行個體而執行。 majorVersion 要安裝的套件主要版本。 minorVersion 要安裝的套件次要版本。 packageArchitecture 要安裝之套件的結構。 packageLanguage 要安裝套件的語言。 packageName 要安裝之套件的名稱。 rebootRequired 指出是否需要重新開...
Dism /Image:"C:\mount\windows" /Add-Package /PackagePath="F:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures\" PackagePath 可以是掛接的語言和選擇性功能 ISO 或 自定義 FOD 和語言存放庫。 此範例使用掛接的語言和選擇性功能 ISO。 檢查是否已新增已安裝 FOD 的語言...
複製之後,請刪除 您不想新增之語言的主要語言檔案。 若要節省磁碟空間,您也可以刪除 檔案,因為它已在映射中。 重要 請勿移除其餘 3,000 個以上的檔案,因為它們是正確設定附屬套件所需的檔案。 如果...
Install-Language ar-SA Set-SystemPreferredUILanguage ar-SA The display language will now change throughout your Windows PC. Other PowerShell Language Commands In this language module, Microsoft has also added a few other cmdlets to manage your system’s language preferences. ...
If you don't install a language pack, this text is displayed in English. You can install multiple language packs on one computer, each for a different language. You need to download and install the .NET Framework 4.6.1 (offline installer) prior to installing the language packs. You can ...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (programma di installazione offline) Informazioni su Language Pack .NET Framework 4.8 Il Language Pack .NET Framework 4.8 contiene messaggi di errore tradotti e altro testo dell'interfaccia utente per le lingue diverse ...
The .NET Framework 4.6.1 RC (offline installer) About the .NET Framework 4.6.1 RC language pack The .NET Framework 4.6.1 RC language pack contains translated error messages and other UI text for languages other than English. If you don't install a language pack, this text ...
Note: To run the Install and Set commands you must run PowerShell as an administrator. FEEDBACK: Please file feedback in Feedback Hub (WIN + F) underApps > PowerShell. Changes and Improvements [Taskbar] Drag and drop is now supported on the Windows 11 taskbar. Quickly drag and drop fil...
You need to download and install the .NET Framework 4.5.1 (offline installer) prior to installing the language packs. You can find the .NET Framework 4.5.1 (offline installer)here. This version of the .NET Framework language pack installs side-by-side with the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 langu...