你可以隐藏问题更新来修复0x80070103错误。为此,你必须使用Microsoft的显示或隐藏更新工具。 以下是步骤: 按Win + I 打开设置应用程序,然后选择Windows更新选项卡。 记下给你带来0x80070103错误的更新的名称 在你的电脑上下载显示或隐藏更新工具。 双击下载的文件以启动显示或隐藏更新工具。 点击下一步。 选择隐藏更新。
So, you can try running the troubleshooter to fix the “install error 0x80070103 in Windows 11”. Here’s a tutorial. Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings application, and then select System from the left vertical menu and click Troubleshoot from the right menu. Step 2: ...
在处理Windows11中出现的0x80070103问题时,可以通过以下步骤进行解决。首先,暂停和恢复Windows更新是解决此问题最直接的方式。点击Win + I打开设置,进入Windows更新选项卡,选择“暂停一周”按钮,然后点击“恢复更新”按钮。等待Windows重新检查更新,它应能修复可能引发错误的任何临时问题。隐藏问题更新可以...
错误代码0x80070103在Windows 11更新安装过程中通常表示驱动程序无法更新。具体来说,这可能是由于系统已经安装了最新版本的驱动程序或正在使用来自驱动程序制造商的驱动程序而不是通用驱动程序。此外,如果您的计算机正在运行的是Windows 11的早期版本,则某些驱动程序可能会与新版本的Windows 11不兼容,导致安装...
如果在安装更新时遇到 Windows 更新错误 80070103,则所尝试安装的驱动程序可能已安装,或者尝试安装的驱动程序的兼容性可能低于电脑中已安装的驱动程序。 要解决该问题或搜索更多信息,可尝试执行以下选项: 在论坛中搜索,或在 Microsoft 社区网站上提问。 隐藏更新以便不再提供该更新。 隐藏更新 点击或单击打开“控制...
I have a Lenovo T15g Gen 1 ThinkPad - Type 20UR, running Windows 11 Pro 64-bit. There is a driver stuck in Windows Update that I cannot clear. Install error - 0x80070103 Intel - Net - I have stopped the Windows Update service, dele...
Getting Install error - 0x80070103 on windows 11 update Tags: HP OfficeJet 5222 All-in-One Printer View All (1) Category: USB Windows 11 I have the same question 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION banhien 112,478 29,419 14,335 1,288 Level 20 03-27-2024 06:46 PM ...
Quick question: This evening, I ran Microsoft Windows 11 update. I received the following error code for various Intel Extensions: 0x80070103 (see
Re:Update windows 11 does not update Intel Corporation driver - Extension - Hi Padano, Thank you for reaching out to the Lenovo Community! The error code 0x80070103 typically indicates that Windows Update is attempting to install a driver that is ...
I recently did a windows update and it gave me an error message windows update fail with Intel extension with install error 0x80070103 I went to Microsoft and they found I had some driver needed updateing and they updated them for mr from you site. I tried to find that ...