For example, if you try to install Google Chrome on a computer in S-Mode, you should see it coming up with an error message reading“Can’t install Chrome because you’re in S mode”. Similarly, if you see an error message reading“Google Chrome is already installed on your computer”,...
Set up Kiosk Mode in Google Chrome Browser To set upKiosk Modein Google Chrome, follow these steps- 1. Open theGoogle Chromewindow on your computer. 2. Now, click on theUseraccount icon on the upper left corner of theChromewindow, and then click on “Add“. 3. You can click oncontin...
Once you have downloaded Google Chrome, you can start the installation process immediately after downloading by clicking theOpen filebutton in Edge or useFile Explorerto navigate to the location where you downloaded Chrome. Here’s how to install Google Chrome on Windows 11: If you just downloaded...
虽然 noMeiryoUI 依然兼容 Windows 11,Windows 11 上更多的系统组件、官方应用并不默认遵守该设置,导致字体修改效果十分有限。 因此在 Windows 11 上我选择一种比较 dirty 但是好用的手段──将其他字体(例如更纱黑体)重新打包成伪装的「微软雅黑」并移动至 Windows 字体文件夹下以欺骗系统。 chenh96/yahei-sarasa...
在Windows 11 中,即便解锁任务栏,我们也不能像 Windows 10 那般将任务栏拖动到屏幕左右侧,只能在底部。虽然通过修改注册表可以强行改动任务栏位置,但是会导致 UI 错位。更推荐的方法是使用第三方工具将整个任务栏回退到 Windows 10 模式,例如后面会介绍的 ExplorerPatcher。
Windows 10 在初次使用的时候可以跳过网络连接设置,选择「离线账户」。这样可以避免微软账户的一些设置,但也会导致一些功能无法使用。而 Windows 11 在安装时──至少从 UI 来看──会强制要求连接网络并登录 Microsoft 账户。 如果你只想通过离线账户使用,或碰上微软服务抽风偏偏又无法登录的情况,在这一步可通过 Shi...
11. To set is a default browser, click onSet as default. It will open the settings app. 12. Here, search for Google chrome. Click on the arrow. 13. Even though you have set it as a default browser, but for some options, it has not been set. Click on them one by one and make...
You can download the same Windows installer available at to install Chrome on Windows 11. I could get Chrome working on my Windows 11 PC within minutes. Now that your Google Chrome web browser download is done, let us look at some of the things you can do with your ne...
You can download the same Windows installer available at to install Chrome on Windows 11. I could get Chrome working on my Windows 11 PC within minutes. Now that your Google Chrome web browser download is done, let us look at some of the things you can do with your ne...
I have tried many different ways to install Google Chrome on Windows 11. I had it working more than once, and then all of a sudden it wouldn't open. I've tried many different ways to install it such as direct from the website and also downloading the…