Adjust the amount of time to turn off the screen on battery power③. The battery life can be extended significantly by selecting a shorter display idle timeout. Adjust the amount of time to go to sleep on battery power④. If the device is idle and you are not using it, Windows will...
browser after idle time: Enter the amount of idle time, from 1-1440 minutes, until the kiosk browser restarts in a fresh state. Idle time is the number of minutes since the user's last interaction. By default, the value is empty or blank, which means there isn't any idle timeout. ...
最新版本 - KMDF 1.33 (Windows 11 版本 21H2;Windows Server 2022) 对于在WDF_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_TIMEOUT_TYPE枚举中指定SystemManagedIdleTimeout或SystemManagedIdleTimeoutWithHint的设备,当调用将WaitForD0设置为FALSE的WdfDeviceStopIdle宏,如果设备仍处于 D0 并且空闲超时期限尚未过,则WdfDeviceStopIdle返回 STATUS...
IdleTimeOutdoesn't apply to the Microsoft Edge kiosk mode. The Breakout Sequence ofCtrl+Alt+Delis the default, but this sequence can be configured to be a different sequence of keys. The breakout sequence uses the formatmodifiers + keys. An example breakout sequence isCTRL+ALT+A, whereCTRL+...
VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED 或 VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED 停止錯誤碼 0x00000141 或 0x00000117 請連絡列出的顯示驅動程式廠商,以取得該驅動程式的適當更新。 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 停止錯誤碼 0x0000000D1 透過Microsoft 更新類別目錄網站套用系統的最新累積更新,以套用驅動程式的最...
空闲超时值由WDF_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_IDLE_SETTINGS结构的IdleTimeout成员确定。 SystemManagedIdleTimeout 值:1 从Windows 8 开始,超时值由 Power Framework (PoFx) 确定。 不使用IdleTimeout成员的值。 在早于 Windows 8 的操作系统上,行为与DriverManagedIdleTimeout相同。
d3d11。D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS6 filter.h: IPixelFilter IPixelFilter.GetImageInfo IPixelFilter.GetPixelsForImage IMAGE_INFO IPixelFilterVtbl http.h: _HTTP_REQUEST_TRANSPORT_IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_INFO msclus.h: NodeSriovInfo ntsecapi.h: ...
VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED or VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED Stop error code 0x00000141, or 0x00000117 Contact the vendor of the listed display driver to get an appropriate update for that driver. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Stop error code 0x000000...
USO_E_SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWNIndicates that the Windows Update Service is shutting down.This error can occur after a long period of time of inactivity. The system fails to respond, leading to the service being idle and causing the service to shut down. Ensure that the system remains active and...
AT[\\computername]time[/INTERACTIVE][/EVERY:date[,...]|/NEXT:date[,...]]"command" at的执行如下: schtasks一些参数: 代码语言:javascript 复制 schtasks/create/tn TaskName/tr TaskRun/sc schedule[/mo modifier][/d day][/m month[,month...][/i IdleTime][/st StartTime][/sd StartDate][...