不过好消息是我的英特尔酷睿i7-6700K压根不支持升级Windows 11,所以我完全不需要担心无法移动任务栏 用户组团向微软抗议这项改动: 不得不说不喜欢将任务栏放在屏幕底部的用户还是非常多的,目前在REDDIT 论坛有大量用户就此问题进行讨论。 多数用户都在质疑微软删除此功能到底有何意义,既然是没意义的那么为何要改动严重...
例如上图所示,Reddit 用户 @AceRimmer412 在一款搭载 i5-7200U 处理器的 Windows 10 设备上获得了 Windows 11 22H2 升级推送,看起来十分迷惑,不排除是 Bug 的可能。 当然,并非所有不符合 Win11 升级条件的 Win11 发布预览版用户都收到了这一更新,也有很多人显示其设备与 Windows 11 不兼容,不排除是因为他们之...
Last week, Windows 11 installed a display driver that was incompatible with my AMD GPU and caused a crash. I uninstalled the driver and reinstalled the correct one. Everything went back to working until Windows 11 did it again. I paused automatic updates, but the computer di...
kernel下载地址:百度云1aytCQoy5BvGYGI9KWWic6g 提取码:6p8b 这个kernel是从reddit网友已经修改好的安装包里提取的。 使用方法: 1、安装微PE,用自带的DiskGenius把kernel直接拖到到受保护的windowsapps对应文件夹(C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_1.7.32815.0_x64__8we...
with Sonar or Studio One 4.1. Resplendence Latency Mon shows its very clean. Sonar reported latency with my MOTU896mk3 Hybrid(USB connected) is 2.7 ms recording, output 3.3ms and 6.1ms total round trip latency, which is the same as what I get on my DAW desktop that uses an i7 6700K....
Any suggestions regarding this? sunnyMarch 13, 2019 at 8:29 PMReply May 19, 2019 at 7:00 AMReply Reply ChrisJanuary 27, 2019 at 12:40 PMReply end randomseed VBoxManage modifyvm “MacOS Mojave” –cpu-profile “Intel Core i7-6700K”...
VBoxManage modifyvm “VM NAME” -–cpu-profile “Intel Core i7–6700K” I’m using: Ubuntu 16.04 host Virtual Box 6.1 with Extension pack Catalina Guest with Guest additions iPhone 7 VBox.log: 00:29:22.384244 usb-linux: Reset failed, rc=Not supported. errno=19. ...
Yes – I know – you haven’t even said yes or no to my post – But……… I expanded on my bat file. Please replace my first one with this one if possible. Thanks! And thanks again for this write-up! rem rem ———– rem Turn on echo so we can see everything rem —...
In this article, I am going to show you how to install macOS Sierra 10.12.6 on VMware on Windows 10. Apple announced the next version of macintosh’s operation system which is called macOS Sierra in WWDC 2016. Well, this time also Apple has made their changes on the new version of mac...