but that didn't work out quite how the company wanted. With Windows 11, there are some big changes. Developers can submit their apps without packaging them, and they can also host them on their own CDN, meaning that they don't have to be distributed by Microsoft, just through the Micros...
Discover the latest tips and tricks about Windows 11/10, web browsers, freeware, and essential tools on GearUpWindows.com. Our expert writers provide in-depth analysis and practical advice to help you optimize your Windows experience. From boosting your
SteadyState 會顯示在公用電腦案例中常見的幾項重要的安全性和設定選項,而不會強迫 SteadyState 系統管理員必須使用群組原則物件編輯器 (GPEdit.msc),雖然 Windows XP Home Edition 上有支援 SteadyState,但不提供此功能。 [圖 1] 顯示了設定電腦限制的設定畫面。請注意,這些全都是通用設定,會套用到整部電腦。
I've been using Windows 11 since it first went into preview back in June on all my PCs. I've loved my time with it, and I think it's the start of a great new era for the OS. That said, this is the first release of Windows 11, meaning there is certainly room for improvement ...
windows 10 is designed to be moved from one computer to another, meaning you can transfer your operating system, programs and user settings as needed. to do this, you'll need a copy of windows 10 on a physical disc or usb drive that is bootable. you will also need to use the windows...
Dec 07, 2023 NedPyle I was wondering when will Microsoft completely remove SMB1 in future versions of Windows 11, meaning the feature will no longer be listed nor available in the Windows Features list. do you have any new information as to when that wil...
June 28, 2021 at 11:55 am #2374232 milleron wrote: My first question is why MS thinks a TPM should be mandatory for Windows 11 Home. My gut-level response to this is that Microsoft would just as well see the Home edition vanish. When helping family, friends, and clients, I never ...
Windows 10 is designed to be moved from one computer to another, meaning you can transfer your operating system, programs and user settings as needed. To do this, you'll need a copy of Windows 10 on a physical disc or USB drive that is bootable. You will also need to use the Windows...
The latest Windows 11 update has led to complaints of all manner of problems. That's particularly troubling as it's a mandatory security update. The update in question has the codename KB5030219. It's a cumulative update, meaning it brings togetherseveral updates which were previously optional...
The default is Font, meaning the scale factor, is based on the ratio between the average widths and heights of the default system font when the form was created and when the form executes. For example, if a form was created under Windows XP Normal fonts (...