1.上篇文章有处笔误,我在评论区补了一下,怕值友没看到,这里再补充下,就是关于针脚定义的:HDMI针脚定义里面的针脚13不要接(原文误写成针脚11了),这个是cec功能的,接了会不亮(不会损害硬件哈)。 2.经测试,主板的M2接口支持NGFF的固态(即SATA协议的),不支持Nvme协议。目前某宝有海力士1T的固态,型号为SC401,...
Enable and Connect to Administrative Shares on Windows 10 Enable Ease of Access > Play animations in Windows with GPO Enable Edge Browser to render very large html files Enable SMB1 protocol error Enable TPM through AD GPO Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature not working Enabling AES128_HMAC_SHA1 encr...
(English) Driver Version: DDI Version: 12 Feature Levels: 11_1,11_0,10_1,10_0,9_3,9_2,9_1 Driver Model: WDDM 2.0 Hardware Scheduling: Supported:False Enabled:False Graphics Preemption: Primitive Compute Preemption: Thread group Miracast: Not Supported by WiFi driver ...
EventName: BlueScreenResponse: Not availableCabId:4143ee11-ca37-46f2-a03e-70555ff91b56Problemsignature:P1:1e Event Name: APPCRASHResponse: Not availableCab Id: 0 Problem signature:P1: DrvInst.exe New & Unread Topics Ramsay Marreth Hinguspingus ...
HDMI to USB3.0/Type-C video capture device has superior performance, good compatibility, simple installation and powerful functions. It can capture a single HDMI input signal, support HDMI Loop-out (except model HCA11), compatibl...
Also, every time I right-click a folder and select Properties, it takes forever before the window appears. In this scenario, I've seen COM Surrogate take about 10GB of RAM and very high CPU usage. I created a log with Windows Performance Recorder that recorded me right-clicking a fold...
(use the default install settings but say no to the portion that asks you to add ERUNT to the start-up folder, if you like you can enable this option later) 3. Start ERUNT (either by double clicking on the desktop icon or choosing to start the program at the end of ...
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment [*]-Video Link 0adv7535_mipi2hdmi adv7535@3d: Can't find cec device id=0x3c fail to probe panel device adv7535@3d fail to get display timings probe video device failed, ret -19 [0] lcd-controller@32e80000, video [...
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment [*]-Video Link 0adv7535_mipi2hdmi adv7535@3d: Can't find cec device id=0x3c fail to probe panel device adv7535@3d fail to get display timings probe video device failed, ret -19 [0] lcd-controller@32e80000, video...
https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Share-OneDrive-files-and-folders-9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07This command will automatically collect these files: msinfo32, mini dumps, drivers, hosts, install, uninstall, services, startup, event viewer files, etc....