Census.Hardware此事件发送有关设备的数据,包括硬件类型、OEM 品牌、型号系列、型号、遥测级别设置和 TPM 支持。 随此事件收集的数据用于帮助使 Windows 保持安全和最新状态。包含以下字段:ActiveMicCount 与设备相连的活动耳机数。 ChassisType 表示设备底盘的类型,如台式机或低剖面台式机。 可能值的范围为 1 - 36...
InvalidZtdHardwareHash:当硬件哈希中的一个或多个字段无效或为空时,会发生此错误。 需要包含制造商和序列号信息。 如果不是,则无法为 Windows Autopilot 注册设备。 若要检查序列号和制造商信息,请打开命令提示符并运行以下命令: Windows 命令提示符 wmic baseboard get manufacturer, serialnumber ...
the silicon vendor, or Microsoft. It does this by ensuring all code is signed by specific entities and by recording cryptographic hashes in hardware that can also be sent to the cloud to verify integrity. If a system can be compromised prior to the operating system ...
CellularModemHWInstanceId0 Windows システムの WWAN モデム デバイスを識別するために PnP システムによって報告され使用される、埋め込みモバイル ブロードバンド モデムの HardwareInstanceId。 空の文字列 (null 文字列) は、このプロパティが利用統計情報で不明な値であることを示し...
Credential Guard by default: Windows 11 makes use of hardware-backed, virtualization-based security capabilities to help protect systems from credential theft attack techniques like pass-the-hash or pass-the-ticket. It also helps prevent malware from accessing system secrets even if...
If the SHA256 output matches the value for the product that you downloaded listed in theWindows11EnterpriseHashValues.pdf, this confirms that the file has not been corrupted, tampered, or altered from the original. For more information on the Get-FileHash command, seeGet-FileHash (Microsoft.Po...
(hash) stored locally on the device. When this happens the IT admin will be unable to sign into the device using the persisted Windows LAPS password. The problem is not resolved until Windows LAPS rotates the password per the normal password expiration timestamp, which might not happe...
激活信息被存在硬盘中,每次启动都会检查硬件Hash有没有变化。如果变化很大,则需要重新激活。 至于什么是硬件大变,微软官方的说法: “If you make significant hardware changes on your device, such as replacing your motherboard, Windows will no longer find a license that matches your device, and you’ll...
I sometimes face a very unusual issue. When I power on and/or restart my PC, the pc would be totally locked out and frozen at windows 11 logon/lock screen and I can see that even the HDD/SDD activity LED is totally unresponsive which indicates that the…
It is designed to be lightweight (which DwarFS is definitely not) and to run on constrained hardware like embedded devices or smartphones. It is not designed to provide maximum compression. It currently supports LZ4 and LZMA compression. Running it on the full Perl dataset using options given ...