Besides, if you have any other tips on Windows 11 performance issues gaming or improving PC performance, welcome to tell us. Leaving a comment below is available. Thanks a lot.
With these tweaks you can still manually perform Windows Update, and can also change the pause time in the advanced options page to any date, up to 4 years into the future. This guide essentially gives control of Windows Update back to the users again. For more guides like this one, ...
- Somebody advised me to try to set the Affinity for the CPU Cores/Threads in Windows 11. - Also, I found a lot of reports in forums/reddit about problems with i9-13900K...Since then, when I set the Affinity of the apps for only a few cores: ...
Interesting, I installed Windows 11 yesterday. Cool let me know how you get in, I installed windows 11 the other day and so far it seems to run and load all my games ok. The only issue I have encountered for gaming is with nvidia gamestream as detailed in this reddit post below. htt...
Related concern:GPU 100% Usage When Idle or Gaming (Good or Bad) How to get rid of XtuService.exe in Windows 11 Getting rid ofXtuService.exemeans to uninstall the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility from your computer. If you’re sure that you no longer need the software, you can uninstall it...
input lag latency optimization performance gaming overclock oc windows ping debloat milliseconds fps boost increase decrease guide mouse tweak tweaks bios uefi pc overclocking 7 8.1 10 11 w7 w8 . w10 w11 linux game gamer optimizations frametime frametimes 0. 1080p 720p reaction time delay delayed ...
Microsoft's mpengine.dll version 1.1.20200.4 update was released on April 4, and the results have been pleasing according to user reports on Reddit. Juglaret has suggested that more work can be done by the Microsoft and Mozilla development teams in order to improve general performance: "The...
BleachBit: A free and open-source system cleaner for obsolete files, cache, registry tweaks, programs' history... winget install -e --id BleachBit.BleachBit choco install bleachbit -y BleachBit Portable: BleachBit but portable. No WinGet package as of now choco install bleachbit.portable -...
All I can see is one line indicating it is applying tweaks. Is there anyway to turn on more verbose logging? Is there anyway to see what each NTLite setting actually changes? ThanksG garlin Moderator Staff member Messages 6,675 Reaction score 3,344 Mar 8, 2023 #6 preiner said:...
put a few basic(that dont break setup) ones into the image and do the rest post setup once all your drivers and software are installed, tweaks wise i say do services as the last thing. Last edited: Mar 26, 2023 Hellbovine Well-Known Member Messages 1,179 Reaction score 714 ...