The format process is completed and your USB flash drive has been converted to FAT32. Click[OK]⑧to close the window.
步驟2.為所選的磁碟區分配新的磁碟區標籤、檔案系統(NTFS/FAT32/EXT2/EXT3/EXT4/exFAT)和叢集大小,然後點選「確定」。 步驟3.在警告視窗中,點選「是」繼續。 步驟4.點選右下角的「執行」按鈕檢視變更,然後點選「應用」開始格式化您的外接硬碟/USB/SD 卡。 完成以上所有步驟,您就可以輕鬆在 Windows 11/...
链接: 使用磁盘管理工具格式化U盘 步骤1. 打开电脑,“Win+ R”打开运行框。输入diskmgmt.msc再按Enter键打开磁盘管理工具。 步骤2. 右键单击您想要格式化的U盘并选择“格式化”。 步骤3. 在文件系统一栏中选择“FAT32”(...
在本文中,您找到了最好的 SD 卡 FAT32 格式化工具 — EaseUS Partition Master,打破 FAT32 限制,輕鬆將大於 32GB 的 SD 卡格式化為 FAT32。 除了將 64GB、128GB SD 卡格式化為 FAT32 之外,您還可以使用這款軟體將大 USB 或外接硬碟格式化為 FAT32、exFAT32 甚至 NTFS,不會出現任何問題。 免費下載Windo...
Can I format a 64GB or larger USB flash drive to FAT32 in Windows 10/11? In the process of using the computer, your USB drive may become RAW format, and you can make it working by formatting it. If you have too many small files on a large USB drive, formatting is also the best...
[Windows 11/10] How to convert the USB flash drive format to FAT32 Applicable Products: Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PC, Gaming Handheld, MiniPC, ASUS NUC In some cases, you may need to convert the USB drive format to FAT32 so that the device can access the specific file (such as...
Windows 11 operating system Type and search [File Explorer] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. In the File Explorer window, select [This PC]③. Right-click your USB flash drive④, then select [Format]⑤. Select File system to [FAT32]⑥, then select [Start]⑦. A ...
[Windows 11/10] How to convert the USB flash drive format to FAT32 Please go to the corresponding instruction based on the current Windows operating system on your computer: Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 11 operating system Type and search [File Explorer] in the Windows search bar①, then ...
format FS=FAT32 quick assign letter=X (“ X ”是分区的字母,改成您想使用的字母。)exit (退出该工具。)将ISO文件移动到U盘:再次打开CMD,输入:PowerShell Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "C:\path\to\Windows11.iso"(确保路径正确),按“Enter”键。diskpart list volume exit (退出 Diskpart)F: (访问...
Windows 11 Windows 10Windows 11 operating system Type and search [File Explorer] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. In the File Explorer window, select [This PC]③. Right-click your USB flash drive④, then select [Format]⑤. Select File system to [FAT32]⑥, then sele...