Hi all.seems that after the update every time I right click inside a folder and scroll down the explorer.exe restarts and close everything that's...
虽然 noMeiryoUI 依然兼容 Windows 11,Windows 11 上更多的系统组件、官方应用并不默认遵守该设置,导致字体修改效果十分有限。 因此在 Windows 11 上我选择一种比较 dirty 但是好用的手段──将其他字体(例如更纱黑体)重新打包成伪装的「微软雅黑」并移动至 Windows 字体文件夹下以欺骗系统。 chenh96/yahei-sarasa...
这时可以通过在文件资源管理器的地址栏中输入 shell:RecycleBinFolder 打开回收站,然后将其固定到快速访问中,这样就可以在文件资源管理器的侧边栏方便访问回收站。 ▍中文字体渲染 硬件部分关于屏幕、缩放、渲染等内容会占用太多篇幅且涉及技术原理部分可操作性不强。这里直接给结论: 笔记本屏幕尽量选择 PPI 在 172 以上...
A) Open the C:\Windows\Font folder. B) You can click/tap on a font family (ex: "Arial") to open it and see the individual font names (ex: "Arial Bold") in the family. 6 Click/tap on File, and click/tap on Save to save the changes you made to the Change_default_system_fon...
这样桌面就只剩下壁纸了。如果你第一次这么设置会发现有一尴尬之处──回收站怎么进?确实一般情况下回收站都是放在桌面的。这时可以通过在文件资源管理器的地址栏中输入 shell:RecycleBinFolder 打开回收站,然后将其固定到快速访问中,这样就可以在文件资源管理器的侧边栏方便访问回收站。
shell:RecycleBinFolder shell:My Video shell:Downloads shell:SystemCertificates shell:Local Downloads shell:AccountPictures shell:Roamed Tile Images shell:Application Shortcuts shell:OneDrivePictures shell:Cookies shell:UserProgramFiles shell:PrintersFolder ...
Well, it is most likely possible with QTabBar but documentation for that tool is, to put it mildly, not exactly stellar.I am thus now approaching this in an altogether different way and approach the Windows modder group VinstarTheme since they might know a way, perhaps utilizinh Rain...
To install all of the driver packages in a folder and all its subfolders use the /recurse option. For example:command Copy Dism /Image:C:\Winpe_amd64\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\drivers /recurse Where C:\drivers is the driver packages folder that you're adding....
Folder2 DIDiskQuotaUser Aborting the Transaction MSMQQueue.ReceiveFirstByLookupId Visual Basic Code Example: Retrieving MSMQQueueInfo.FormatName I (Windows) CLUSPROP_SZ structure (Windows) _IRDPSessionEvents::OnViewingSizeChanged method (Windows) InstallHotFix method of the PS_NetworkControllerNode class...