Fitbit TrackerFitbit Tracker 推荐 Fitbit是个帮助人过上健康生活的在线服务,这是他们在wp上的app。它可以自动跟踪你设定的各项活动(比如步行爬楼梯睡眠等等)并自动进行数据同步。根据你每天的活动它会生成图标与图形,还会计算你燃烧的卡路里和记录你的体重,总之就是能帮你活的更加健康啦,不过数据同步貌似有时会出...
Forest : 保持专注,拒当低头族 3、FitbitCN 通过 Fitbit 生活得更健康、更积极,它是追踪全天活动、...
io.github.fitbit-activities-chart io.github.flacon io.github.flameshot io.github.flow-pomodoro io.github.flycast io.github.focuswriter io.github.fotowall io.github.fqterm io.github.fractgen io.github.fraqtive io.github.freeLib io.github.freedom io.github.fritzing-app io.github.f...
like Fitbit, is essentially a data collection and analysis app for time series data collected from the wearable. A simpler example may be a survey app that collects responses from research participants via tablet or phone.
Especially 'Fitbit Coach'. I can't seem to get rid of that App. Seems there's a bunch of potential Live Tiles at the Registry Key..: HKEY_USERS\USERNUMBER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager\SuggestedApps Can anyone explain if there's a way to ...
We have further improved the reliability of notifications for apps with a paired Bluetooth device, such as Fitbit. Improved the Time & Language settings page UX for Speech and Keyboard language downloads. Previously, the status would show “Downloading” for speech and “Installin...
经历了与Fitbit专利战失利、全球裁员、高管流失等系列问题后,红极一时的独角兽企业Jawbone没能坚持下来。据外媒报道,Jawbone已经开始进入清算程序。据称,他们于6月19日向债主发送通知称,该公司已经根据加州法律进入破产程序。知情人士的消息称,Jawbone联合创始人兼CEO侯赛因拉赫曼(Hosain Rahman)已经加入了名为 Jawbone ...