Once the reset is complete, your PC will restart and boot into the initial Windows setup screen. Follow the prompts to configure your new, factory-reset installation of Windows 11. This includes setting up your language preferences, the time zone, and connecting to a network. Factory Reset Win...
How to Factory Reset Windows 11 The process to reset your Windows 11 PC follows a similar pattern to Windows 10 but with some key differences in navigation and available options: Method 1: Settings App Reset Access Reset Options: Open Settings from the Start menu ...
然后按照下面步骤在命令提示下对Windows 11进行出厂重置:1. 在命令提示窗口中,键入systemreset -factoryreset,然后按Enter键。2. 你将看到选择选项窗口。你可以选择在保留文件的同时删除应用程序和设置,也可以删除所有内容。3. 选择安装方式后,你将看到是否清理驱动器窗口。你可以选择仅删除文件,也可以...
在开始恢复出厂设置之前,还请您先仔细想想电脑上还有没有存储得有重要的数据,为避免其被清除,我们还是比较建议您提前备份一下,详情可以参考这篇不进入系统备份文件教程。 如果没有什么重要文件需要备份的话,那就好办了,咱们直接开冲。 #1. 通过登录屏幕界面恢复出厂设置 想要恢复出厂设置不知道密码怎么办?其实是有办...
单击重置以在 Windows 10/11 中开始恢复出厂设置。 如果您的计算机无法启动到 Windows 启动您的计算机,当 Windows 10 无法正常启动时,它将自动启动到Windows 恢复环境模式。或者在计算机启动时连续按F8/F12,直到出现Advanced Boot Options菜单。 然后单击疑难解答->重置此 PC。
Now that you’ve backed up everything you need, you’re ready to perform your Windows 11 factory reset. How to factory reset a PC on Windows 11: Open ‘Settings’, then go to ‘System’ on the left and scroll down to ‘Recovery’. Click on ‘Reset PC’. A new popup box will app...
How to “Factory Reset” Windows 11 Open theStart Menuand Navigate to“Settings”. Navigate to“System”. Click on“Recovery”. Look for the“Reset This PC”and click on the“Reset PC”button on the right-hand side. A window will pop up where you will have to choose between keeping you...
In this post we will review available methods you can use to reset Windows 11 with Remove everything or Keep my files options. You can use this option when you need to improve the performance of your PC when it is not running well due to recently installed apps, drivers, or updates. ...
If your computer is currently in a very problematic state that you don’t feel like investing time in fixing anymore, or if you just want to reset your Windows back to its default factory state, here’s an easy way to reset Windows 11 or Windows 10 to factory default on your laptop ...
Hello all My Windows is crashing and slow I want to reset the settings back to when I bought it and first booted it Factory settings, what - 1031415