1、重启Explorer进程 进程重启步骤:通过任务管理器结束Explorer进程后重新开启它,这是一个快速尝试的解决方法,操作路径为“任务管理器”>“进程”标签页下找到“Windows资源管理器”即Explorer进程,选择后点击右下角的“重启”按钮。 2、检查病毒和恶意软件 安全软件扫描:使用更新后的杀毒软件全面扫描系统,确保没有病毒...
Windows11中Internet Explorer模式为可选功能,未安装该可选功能会导致无法使用Internet Explorer模式。 解决方案: 打开设置-应用-可选功能-查看功能-搜索“Internet Explorer 模式”或者下方如果有,勾选,安装后重启机器,操作界面如下:
Windows 11 File Explorer not responding may be caused by corrupted or missing system files. To solve this problem, you can use SFC tool to check and replace corrupted files with a cached copy stored on your PC. Here come the steps. Step 1: Search forCommand Promptin the search bar and ...
Internet Explorer 并没有真正的从 Windows 11 中删除掉,只是默认被 Microsoft Edge 替代了,接下来通过 Windows 11 中的一个小 bug 来打开真正的 Internet Explorer。 打开“开始”菜单,在搜索栏中输入“Internet 选项”并打开。 切换到“程序”选项卡,选择”管理加载项“。 在”管理加载项“设置界面,点击左下角...
删除"DelegateExecute"项,然后双击"(默认)",将默认字符串数据改为"explorer.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"。按照上述步骤操作,explorer.exe找不到应用程序的问题就能得到解决。希望这些实用的故障排除方法对你有所帮助,持续关注我们的网站,获取更多电脑维护技巧。
I updated windows 11 and when my pc restarted, my taskbar was completely blank and I can't open my start menu or file explorer. I can't even use the windows key + i shortcut to go back a version. Win...Show More Reply AerialSong to teowzzSep 03, 2021 Ok, I found a solution...
Thus, you can clear the File Explorer cache to solve this problem. Step 1. Open the Start menu, and search for File Explorer options. Step 2. Under the General tab, click on the Clear tab next to Clear File Explorer history. Don’t forget to click Apply and then click OK to confirm...
✅ Windows 11 Explorer Autocorrect Problem:Hello Please introduce a solution other than the registry and Group Policy and even changing the extension of the Autocorrect files to save me from the...
Windows 11 Explorer Submenu Problem After updating to the new Explorer in Windows 11, right-click no longer generates a submenu. Instead, it reverts to a menu similar to that of Windows 10. In addition, there are issues with the disorderly arrangement of items in Explorer, as well as...
现在的日期是2021年9月3日,相信很多使用windows11的朋友在今天造成一开机就懵逼了,进入桌面后,下面的任务栏完全空白了,鼠标右键和打开我的电脑都要非常长的时间,电脑瘫痪了。 这次故障源于昨晚windows的最新更新,很多朋友含泪选择了默默重装了windows10,大海一开始以为是自己电脑坏了,直到我逛了windows11的论坛,才发现...