如果系统文件出现问题,那么系统肯定会运行出错,那么电脑自然会出现CRITICAL PROCESS DIED蓝屏状况,对此,我们可以选择使用系统文件检查器(SFC)来修复损坏的系统文件。 1.使用Windows安装介质或重启电脑3次的方法进入“疑难解答”>“高级选项”>“命令提示符” 2.在命令提示符窗口中输入命令sfc /scannow并按Enter键执行。
家里的笔记本是18年买的机械革命X8Ti,半个月前玩游戏突然出现花屏卡死,进而马上一闪而过的蓝屏(经过多次确认上面写着CRITICAL PROCESS DIED)接着就是重启。重启后又好了,偶发性的,我解决不了,就跑去找人维修。但在店里又没复现,师傅说可能是显卡坏了,要换显卡,我可是知道那价格的,我就说算了,又抱回来了。
If your computer says about the issue: Critical Process Died - that error cannot be ignored. This article is fully dedicated to this theme. To cope with this issue you just need to try some of these methods.
CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED 错误检查的值为 0x000000EF。 此检查指示关键系统进程已终止。 如果系统终止,关键进程会强制系统进行错误检查。 当进程状态损坏或破坏时,会进行此检查。 当损坏或破坏发生时,由于这些进程对 Windows 操作至关重要,因此当操作系统完整性存在问题时,会进行系统错误检查。
这两天电脑开始蓝屏,笔记本redmig2021锐龙版,买了也有差不多3年了吧,在正常启动后1到10分钟内一定会蓝屏,蓝屏代码critical progress died然后蓝屏直接重启,重启过程中大概率又会蓝屏,这次代码0xc000021a,然后又直接重启,这一次则概率正常重启,或进入系统修复界面一开始以为是温度问题,拆开清理风扇和涂硅胶,无果。然后怀...
When you’re able to boot into Windows 11, move along to the fixes below to get the Critical Process Died blue screen Windows 11 error solved. 1. Unmake recent changes The stop code Critical Process Died doesn’t contain much useful information, but if this error only happened very recently...
Windows stop error - - Virtual Machines Provides steps to resolve issues where a critical process dies during boot in an Azure VM. Bug Checks (Blue Screens) - Windows drivers This topic covers bug checks (Blue Screens) Guidance for troubleshooting stop errors and unexpected restart. - Win...
Here's how you can fix the Critical Process Died error by optimizing your Windows 11 disk with the Partition Master: Option 1. Extend System C drive with unallocated space1. Right-click on the System C: drive and select "Resize/Move". 2. Drag the system partition end into the ...
CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED bug 检查 的值为 0x000000EF。此检查指示关键系统进程已终止。如果系统终止,关键进程会强制系统检查 bug。当进程的状态损坏或损坏时,会发生此检查。发生损坏或损坏时,由于这些进程对 Windows 的运行至关重要,因此检查出现系统 bug,因为操作系统完整性存在问题。