所选磁盘具有MBR分区表。在EFI系统上,Windows只能安装到GPT磁盘上。 Windows需要安装到格式化为NTFS的分区。 此计算机的硬件可能不支持启动到此磁盘。确保在计算机的BIOS菜单中启用了磁盘的控制器。 磁盘可能很快就会出现故障。如果其他硬盘可用,请在其他位置安装Windows。 Windows无法安装到所选位置。错误:0x80300001。 Wi...
0X80300001故障解决方法 在服务器安装Server2008 R2系统过程中,系统提示“无法将windows安装到这个磁盘”,并报0X80300001错误。 因为该服务器芯片组为Inter C600/X79,系统安装光盘中无该芯片组驱动,造成安装过程中无法识别硬盘,需要手动加载芯片组驱动以识别到硬盘。因此判断上述故障应该是在通过U盘加载驱动后,换回USB...
安装windows时报0x80300001错误 告警信息 安装操作系统时,有时会遇到 0x80300001的报错。如果其他项都检查过并没有其他思路,这时需要检查磁盘格式并进行转换。 处理过程 在上图所示安装界面按住Shift+F10调出命令提示符窗口; 输入“diskpart”,按回车执行,进入DISKPART命令模式; ...
错误:0x80300001 Windows 无法安装到所选位置。错误:0x80300001 这里遇到的情况是这样的,iDrac安装windows 2008 R2,一开始映射 windows 2008 R2系统镜像,后来,阵列驱动加载不了,虚拟介质切换成 PERC H730P Mini 阵列卡驱动的iso,加载完raid阵列驱动后,可以正常分区,这时会提示如上错误,虚拟介质 重新映射 windows 2008...
folder (I tried both), it seemed to pull up my Drive 0 Partition 1 that seems to be my laptops standard drive (496gb available), however it said "We couldn't install Windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more info about what...
Error: 0x80300001* 1.Symptoms of the Error This error occurs when you try to install Windows on a disk that has a different partition style or file system than the one required by your computer’s firmware. 2.Causes of the Error The error occurs when the disk's partition style or file...
The Windows 0x80300001 Error Jhet Borja/MUO This error will most likely pop up because the partition you want to install Windows on isn’t in NTFS format or a blank unallocated partition. Jhet Borja/MUO You may have created a new partition as ext4 in GParted instead of leaving the unallocat...
While installing Windows 10 on your computer, you might see an error reading “Windows is unable to install to the selected location” with a 0x80300001 error.
Windows is unable to install to the selected location. Error: 0x80300001. When encountering the error, it is important for us to learn why it happens. The following are two common causes. The target disk does not support BIOS/UEFI boot mode ...