微软已在 Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052 中发布适用于 Windows 的 Sudo,并将其在 MIT 协议下进行开源。 Sudo for Windows 将允许用户直接从未提权终端窗口运行提权命令。 如何启用 Sudo for Windows 导航至 Settings > For Developers page in Windows Settings and toggle on the “Enable Sudo” 选项:...
sudo config--enable<configuration_option> Sudo for Windows 支持 3 种配置选项,每个选项有不同的用途: 打开新窗口(forceNewWindow):打开一个新的特权控制台窗口来执行命令。 关闭输入(disableInput):在当前窗口中执行特权进程,关闭 stdin,限制用户输入。 内联(normal):行为类似于其他操作系统上的 sudo,将 stdin、...
In the cmd tab, type the following command and press Enter to run it: sudo config --enable enable. You have successfully enabled it on Windows 11. Note: The undo command that turns off the sudo command is sudo config --enable disable. The next thing to is to learn what are the optio...
How to enable Sudo for Windows To enable Sudo for Windows, navigate to the Settings > For Developers page in Windows Settings and toggle on the “Enable Sudo” option: You can alternatively enable Sudo for Windows by running the following commandin an elevated console session: Copy sudo config...
Microsoft is currently testing the sudo command port from Linux to Windows 11 in insider builds. This command grants super user privileges for administrative tasks that a regular user cannot get done. To access the sudo command in Windows 11, users can enable it the developer options. On the ...
SystemSettings_Developer_Mode_Setting_Sudo Enablesudo Enablethesudocommand Configurehowsudorunslications Windows 现有用户也可以使用 Sudo 命令行实用程序,不过需要安装 Scoop 或通过 Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)才能使用。 根据代码显示,现在开启开发者模式之后,用户可以在 Command Prompt 和 PowerShell 命令行界...
1. 通过任务栏搜索“本地安全策略”,或通过 Windows 徽标键 + R(Mac 键盘的 Command 在虚拟机中被映射为 Windows 徽标键)激活“运行”窗口,输入 secpol.msc 并回车。 2. 在本地安全策略窗口左侧的树形图窗格,依次展开“本地策略”、“安全选项”,在右侧列表下翻找到并选中“帐户:使用空密码的本地帐户只允许...
all instances of the file name "foo" are replaced with "foobar". Since all the files are uniquely named, this would have taken a long time to complete manually one-by-one. PowerRename enables a single bulk rename. Notice that the Explorer's "Undo Rename" (Ctrl+Z) command makes it pos...
尝试升级时出错:Invalid command line option: wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2 请确保已启用适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统,并且你使用的是 Windows 内部版本 18362 或更高版本。 若要启用 WSL,请在 PowerShell 提示符下以具有管理员权限的身份运行此命令:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft...
Windows Ub..Intel compiler 安装步骤:安装前步骤sudo apt-get install build-essentialsudo apt-get install gcc-multilibsudo a