Issue: Slow Download Speeds with a 500Mbps connection Receiving only 110.77Mbps on Download and 405.71 in Upload, Secondary Laptop running Windows 10 on the same switch runs a speed test of 536.37 dn and 535.05 up, Cable has tested Good, tested and switch with laptop cable no ch...
4 Ways to Fix Slow Download Speed in Epic Games Launcher on Windows 11 Basic Fixes: Check the Epic Server Status: Epic Games Launcher also relies on multiple servers to operate, and It’s possible that a server might be out of order or 5 Ways to Fix Sl...
3] Check if copy speed is slow with the same device being used on other systems as well. Thereafter, proceed with the following solutions: Read More: How to Speed Up Slow Internet on Windows 11 How to Fix Origin slow Download Speed problem on… How to Fix Slow Download Speed issue in ...
✅ Slow Download Speed on Windows 11:For the past couple of days i haven't been able to download files that exceed a few hundred megabytes without it taking hours but when i test my...
Windows 11 gives PC gamers a much better experience than Windows 10. The new DirectX 12, auto-open Auto HDR, DirectStorage performance improved 100 times, etc., so players get a better picture and faster loading speed. In addition, Windows 11 features improvements in the widget, snap layout,...
✅ Windows 11 internet speed not what it should be:On my xbox with a hardwire connection i'm getting up to 300mgbs but on my PC running windows 11 I can only get 40 but when I run a speed test on my PC...
The business world today needs ultra-high-speed data handling which can be achievable by SSDs only. If you are facing Windows 11 performance problems while having a traditional; HDD, can consider swiping to SSDs. To do so, follow How to Reinstall Windows 10 or 11 from HDD to SSD Way-...
What are the differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11? Speed Up Windows 11 and Improve Performance (7 effective tips) Top 10 Tweaks to make windows 10 run faster on old computers Windows 11 Stuck on the Welcome Screen? 5 working solutions to fix it ...
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster WiFi is great because it gives freedom, and while Ethernet still dominates in delivering better speed compared to WiFi, there is nothing like sitting anywhere you wish and working or enjoying a movie. No wires! But then, ...