Windows 11 可帮助您在各种戴尔设备上将工作效率和创造力提升到更高水平。购买许可证 Windows 11 家庭版 Windows 11 专业版 Windows 11 教育版 升级 常见问题 了解Windows 11 易于使用 您的时间非常宝贵。因此,不要将时间浪费在耗时耗力处理事情上。Windows 11 通过新的方式带来了全新的体验,让您可以通过...
创建Windows 11 安装介质 如果您必须安装或重新安装 Windows 11,则可以使用 USB 闪存盘或 DVD,通过 Windows 11 介质创建工具创建您自己的安装介质。 打开Microsoft 支持网站:。 在Create Windows 11 installation media 部分下,单击 Download Now。 双击MediaCrati...
Dell戴尔XPS 15 9530笔记本电脑原装出厂Windows11系统英文版下载 链接: 提取码:ykv0 原装出厂系统自带所有驱动、出厂主题壁纸、系统属性专属联机支持标志、Office办公软件、MyDell等预装程序 文件格式:esd/wim/swm 安装方式:PE模式安装 注意:安装系统...通过镜像,或者想办法绕过去,出了问题,估计微软也不会针对性修复的,要小心 乌仁吉无人机🐔 白丁 1 六代有出现tpm的吗 恒河治理局 举人 5 八代U,dell的,BIOS里压根没有tpm,也没有ptt ...
链接: 提取码:hbut 戴尔原装WIN系统自带所有驱动、出厂主题壁纸、系统属性专属联机支持标志、系统属性专属LOGO标志、Office办公软件、MyDell、迈克菲杀毒等预装程序 文件格式:esd/wim/swm 安装方式:PE模式安装 ...
I downloaded the driver from Dell that was released July 10. Install ok, Device Manager ok, DXDIAG ok, wife's game starts ok. I used gpedit to disable including drivers. We'll see what the future holds. My Computers Dru2 Well-known member Pro User VIP Local time 8:56 PM Posts ...
Step 1. Download OS Recovery Tool (21.1MB) from the official website.Click the Install button.Step 2. Identify the Dell computer and click Next.Downloading the image on the same Dell computer - Click This computer.Change to another working Dell laptop: Click Another computer and type Service...
You’ll need some computer skills and patience to update your drivers this way, because you need to find the exactly right driver online, download it and install it step by step. Go to theofficial Dell driver downloads page. Enter your docking station model in the search bar and clickSearc...
there is a 10-day period where you can move back to Windows 10 while keeping files and data that you brought along with you. To go back to Windows 10, select>>>. After the 10-day period is over, you will need to back up your data and do a “clean install” to move back to ...
anno che verrà fornito ai clienti in modo simile agli aggiornamenti delle funzionalità di Windows 10 più recenti.Come accennato qui, Windows 11 avrà una cadenza annuale di aggiornamento delle funzionalità che verrà rilasciata nella seconda metà dell’anno solare. Per ulteriori informazioni,...