8. Disk Usage Analyzer Free 免費磁碟使用分析器是一個有用的工具,可以幫助您組織文件和管理磁碟空間。它可以找到磁碟上最大的文件,讓您輕鬆找到任何檔案。然後,您可以將這些檔案移至其他位置,例如備份驅動器,或在不再需要時將其刪除。免費磁碟使用分析器還提供方便的圓餅圖視圖來幫助您視覺化文件類型。
Where is my disk space going? Why is my Hard Drive full? What is taking up space on my Hard Drive in Windows 11/10? If you have these questions, then here is a list of free Disk Space Analyzer software to find out, check and analyze the disk space on your Windows computer. While...
Disk Analyzer can analyze and view the disk space usage of all programs, files and folders find out which engross your disk space and shown with a chart; Cleans up WinSxS folder securely to reduce the component store size; Smart Uninstaller can fully delete programs from your system without ...
WinDirStat in one of the best disk space analyzer for Window that let you scan your hard drives for large files and folders. WinDirStat is a free, open-source disk usage analyzer and cleanup software for Windows 10 and older versions. It allows you to scan the local partition or entire har...
https://diskanalyzer.com/ 11、图片查看 ★★★ XnView 集图片浏览查看、缩放处理、格式转换为一身的免费软件。 https://www.xnview.com/en/ ★★★ irfanview 功能同XnView,难分伯仲,只能说萝卜青菜各有所爱了。 https://www.irfanview.com/ 12、通讯和...
Show folder sizes in Windows File Explorer with this free disk space analyzer. View disk usage charts - find the largest files and folders.
EaseUS Partition Master Free is a free partition software that can partition hard drive and reoragnize the disk space for better performance. You can resize,move, merge and create partitions for Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP.
为了获得最佳用户体验,它配备了 Disk Benchmark 和 Space Analyzer 等强大功能。MiniTool 能够一个接一个地连续扫描分区,但是一旦扫描开始,它就无法跳过坏扇区。MiniTool Partition Wizard Free 可帮助用户管理磁盘和分区、对齐 SSD 分区、将操作系统迁移到 SSD、克隆磁盘等。它支持文件预览以实现高效的文件恢复过程。
Drive space can be problematic if you’re trying to install or run more demanding apps, and Disk Cleanup is the first and most convenient option to free up some valuable space. However, besides running the Disk Cleanup app, you can use a morecomprehensive storage analyzer like WinDirStator ma...
官网:diskanalyzer.com 05 菜单清理-ContextMenuManager 开源免费的Windows右键菜单清理管理工具,支持隐藏删除菜单项。完美支持Windows10/7。 Windows的右键菜单是我们常用的电脑操作之一,但电脑上并没有提供右键菜单的删除清理功能。 虽然这个功能在WinOptimizer/CleanMyPC这样的系统优化软件中有附带,但毕竟是附带功能,如果想...