之后,以管理员权限打开 Windows Terminal(PowerShell 亦可),先键入 Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force 以获得执行本地脚本的权限。再粘贴刚刚得到的路径,在路径前输入 &,在后面加上 -DisableBingSearches。最终的命令类似& "D:\Downloads\Win10Debloat-master\Win10Debloat.ps1" -DisableBingSearches。回车键确认...
具体参见:How to Disable VBS and Speed Up Windows 11 修改完成以后Win+R输入msinfo32验证VBS一栏是否...
登錄資訊: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services!fDisableLocationRedir 支援於:未知 設定值: -此原則設定可讓您控制遠端桌面服務會話中遠端計算機的位置數據重新導向。 根據預設,遠端桌面服務允許重新導向位置數據。如果您開啟此原則設定,使用者就無法將其位置數據重新導向至遠端計算機。 如果您關...
Windows Terminal comes with many, many, many actions. Actions give you control of how you interact with the terminal. To make these easier to find and use, we created a command palette, which can be accessed at the bottom of the new tab dropdown. It can also be opened withCtrl+Shift+...
{ "command": "duplicateTab", "id": "Terminal.DuplicateTab" } 預設繫結:JSON 複製 { "keys": "ctrl+shift+d", "id": "Terminal.DuplicateTab" } 新增標籤這會建立新的索引標籤。沒有任何引數,這會在新的索引標籤中開啟預設設定檔。如果未指定索引,則會使用預設設定檔的對等設定。 如果索引未對應至...
Thankfully in Windows 11, you can disable these settings. First, head to Settings and click Privacy & Security > General. From there, you can disable all the settings below, as they will serve you ads from Microsoft. Turn this crap off ASAP. Credit: Microsoft Next, click back to ...
Started by Brink Yesterday at 11:30 AM Replies: 0 Tutorials Customize New Tab Menu for Windows Terminal in Windows 11 Started by Brink Tuesday at 11:12 AM Replies: 0 Tutorials Enable or Disable Allow Windows Terminal Run in Background in Windows 11 Started by Brink Sunday at 3:42...
Using the Command prompt (Windows Terminal) If you'd rather use a command-line interface for changing these settings, you can use Command Prompt or Windows Terminal to add the registry value to disable Microsoft Defender. To do this, simply follow these steps: ...
Open “Windows Terminal” Run a new tab with “Windows PowerShell” Run the PowerShell command to disable “Show More Options” Run this command: reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve Optional: Run the Pow...
However, it's found to hog the resources, and many consider disabling SuperFetch in Windows 11. There are three ways you can do that, using the Services app, an elevated Command Prompt, and the Registry Editor. Also, find out if you should disable SuperFetch and the cases when the featu...