现在,右键单击右侧的空白区域,选择New,然后单击DWORD (32-bit) Value。 将此密钥命名为 DisableAntiVirus。 双击它并将其值更改为1。然后单击“确定”。 同样,再创建两个 DWORD(32 位)值并将它们命名为DisableAntiSpyware和ServiceStartStates并将它们的值更改为1。 完成后,正常重启系统。您的 Windows 安全防病毒...
解决方法是:手动关闭Tamper Protection,然后改注册表才能完全禁用掉Windows Defender。
AdvancedRun.exe /EXEFilename "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe" /CommandLine '/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection" /v "DisableRealtimeMonitoring" /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f' /RunAs 8 /Run 然后我们运行这个强力卸载软件:(强力移除defender)WDControl_1.7....
1.移动“开始”按钮到左下角 Windows 11任务栏中的“开始”按钮被移到了中间位置,很多人不习惯。如果...
On the next page, disable theTamper Protectionoption. Finally, double-click the file "Disable Defender.reg" you have downloaded. Restart Windows 11. You are done. Microsoft Defender is now permanently turned off. The undo file is "Enable Defender.reg", which is also included in the ZIP arch...
Default: Not configured WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableTpmFirmwareUpdateWarning Configure the display of update TPM Firmware when a vulnerable firmware is detected. Not configured Hide Tamper Protection Default: Not configured Turn Tamper Protection on or off on devices. To use Tamper Protection...
Tamper protectionAttacks like ransomware attempt to disable security features, such as anti-virus protection. Bad actors like to disable security features to get easier access to user's data, to install malware, or otherwise exploit user's data, identity, and devices without fear of being bl...
Microsoft Defender will now be disabled, which you can verify in the Windows Security app, as settings for virus and threat protection won't load properly. Option 2: Disable Microsoft Defender with the Registry Editor Another route for disabling Microsoft Defender on Windows 11 is using the Regis...
All of this in Windows Defender Disable in Settings. It's just that no one reads the warning on the Apply page Preview before processing: First disable Tamper Protection manually in settings, reboot, yes, reboot. Then reload C:\Windows with NTLite and disable Defender with that single o...
Turn On or Off Tamper Protection for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 11 Enable or Disable Cloud-delivered Protection for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 11 Enable or Disable Automatic Sample Submission for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 11 Enable or Disable Contr...