Windows 11 Cursors Concept by jepriCreations 说明:我搬运的这个指针,初始版本(V1之前)就两种颜色,不兼容高DPI,且是收费的,作者也没改名,后来几次更新,作者免费了,我没有及时关注和更新,编辑前段时间私信我说有些人反映我从中赚黑心钱了,因为我最近没逛致美化,也没及时看到私信,不好意思;现将高清版设为2锋币...
Windows cursors or pointers to be used for demonstrating interactions Preview More like this Windows 11.1 (concept) 10th Anniversary Of Windows 8.1 Fall Creators 2 2024 Edition Concept Nightrider, an icon pack for Windows This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to ...
先分享一个自用的:windows-11-cursors-concept-HD GitHub - kmille36/windows-11-cursors-concept-premium: Windows 11 Cursors Concept v2 by jepriCreations (PREMIUM) GitHub访问不了的话访问密码: 3433): https...
... 不是这个?图片上传失败。。
good move to review with 4! I like the style of windows 11 concept and I only change the pointer cursors,arrows,other cursors from dark to blue theme. It's not simple,Is modern set! Idk why Skyler likes blue but she review with 3,5 ...
Hello everyone! New version of Windows Light Theme cursors. Gredits to Windows 11 Cursors Concept v2 by Jepri Creations rosea92 at DevianArt ! Gredits to I hope you enjoy it and like it as much or more this next...
52 有没软件可以自动更换深浅色鼠标主题方案的 这个没有研究过,不懂了。
18***7 永久分享 浏览器下载 客户端下载 保存至云盘 共1项 按名称排序 已选中1个创建时间大小状态 Windows-11-Cursors-Concept-HD_V2_20056.z... 2023-10-15 15:31:42 2.95 MB 有效 this is what i use on windows 7 and up
New version of Windows 11 Red Theme Cursors!Hello Cursor fans and Good month everyone!Original Pack and Gredits to change the color to Red! I hope you enjoy this next gen modern cursor set!