sudo apt-get install samba 1. smbclient: sudo apt-get install smbclient 1. 2.修改配置文件: sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf 1. 在文件末尾加上如下[share] (相当于在home目录项增加了一个新用户) [share] comment = Share Folder require password browseable = yes path = /home/share create mask =...
拒绝LM和NTLM(&)创建共享文件夹,或:sudo mkdir ~/samplesharesudo chmod 777 ~/samplesharesudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf [share] 主机引用名 必填comment = share folder browseable = yes path = /home/openharmony/share 路径 必填create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 valid users = openhar...
1、 安装配置 samba 实现 windows 与 linux 文件共享 2、 Linux 上安装配置 samba 2.1、 安装 samba 2.2、 配置 samba 2.3、 添加共享资源的用户并设置密码 2.4、 重启 samba 服务生效 3、 Windows 开启 samba 服务并访问 3.1、 检查并开启 samba 服务 3.2、 运行打开方式访问 Linux 共享目录 3.3、 添加网络...
win+R运行输入\x.x.x.x\出现登录框,填写用户名密码 sudo mkdir~/samplesharesudo chmod777~/samplesharesudo gedit/etc/samba/smb.conf [share]主机引用名 必填 comment=share folder browseable=yes path=/home/openharmony/share 路径 必填 create mask=0700directory mask=0700valid users=openharmony 登录账户 ...
先进入到samba的配置文件中 [root@client ~]# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf 将下面一段写入配置文件的最后面 [myshare] comment = public document path = /share public = nobrowseable= Yes writable = Yes 记得重启一下smb服务 [root@server ~]# systemctl restart smb ...
Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail windows 11 failed samba login Kevin Roberts5Reputation points 15 Feb 2024, 22:39 I recently setup a new PC with Windows 11 Pro. I have a NAS and mapped network shares using the my NAS credentials without an issue. The problem is that Windows 11 insist...
在Linux 机器上列出 Samba 共享目录 15、在命令行下使用域帐号以交互试方式连接到 Samba 共享目录: $ sudo smbclient //adc/share_name -U domain_user 在命令行下,你可以列出共享目录内容,下载或上传文件到共享目录,或者执行其它操作。使用?来查询所有可用的 smbclient 命令。
valid users = shareuser create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup available = yes browseable = yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 添加该用户并设置samba密码: sudo useradd shareuser 添加用户 ...
Ensure that your network administrator has setup your UNIX or Netware servers to use the SMB protocol to share files on the network. They can use a product, Samba, for example, to setup SMB on your servers. Once SMB is running on the server, you can use Windows XP to connect ...
cpxyts01:/etc/samba # service smb restart Windows: // 成功进入共享文件夹 配置开机自启 cpxyts01:/etc/samba # chkconfig --level 35 smb on 需要账户密码的配置 [u02] comment = wardenking path = /u02 security = user share为共享 ...