如果你新購買Windows 11的電腦,或是自己手動全新安裝、升級成 Windows 11,你應該會發現在工具列上多了四個不能右鍵移除的 App 圖示,分別是:Copilot、工作檢視、搜尋與小工具。 搜尋的功能可能會有較多的使用機會,但是其餘本沒什麼機會使用,但又不能透過右鍵移除,顯得有些多餘,本篇文章會教你「如何移除 Windows ...
When you turn off the Copilot button, the Copilot icon will disappear automatically from the Taskbar. Disabling Windows 11 Copilot from Windows 11 Settings is the easiest method. But it has a disadvantage for you if you have a shared computer. This is because another user can enable it thr...
IT 之家 11 月 2 日消息,数据挖掘者在 Win11 Build 27729 的隐私策略 AppPrivacy.adml 文件中发现微软将其 Copilot AI 称为 "Windows Intelligence"。 目前尚不知悉这是微软开发人员弄错了名称,还是微软 " 改名部 " 即将把 Copilot 改名为 "Windows Intelligence",但这一举动显然是跟随了 " 苹果牌 AI"Apple...
In case you have toenable the Copilot icon on the taskbar using the Registry Editoron your Windows 11 PC, follow the above steps. You candelete the HideCopilotButtonDWORD value and then restart the PC. Once done, use the Settings app to turn on the Copilot button and show it on the ...
The newly released Windows 11 Build 23565 for the Dev channel insiders comes with a few changes. Besides traditional set of fixes, it changes the Copilot icon to a more colorful one. It also sets Windows Spotlight as a desktop background for some select Insiders. Here is the detailed ...
(Win 11 Ent 23H2; OS build 22631.3235; WFP 1000.22687.1000.0), with the same user account on it (one is a laptop and the other is a desktop), with the same set of updates on it (feature, quality and other) and there are no applied Intune policies that move the Copil...
(Win 11 Ent 23H2; OS build 22631.3235; WFP 1000.22687.1000.0), with the same user account on it (one is a laptop and the other is a desktop), with the same set of updates on it (feature, quality and other) and there are no applied Intune policies that move ...
Update: In a recent update, Microsoft moved the Copilot icon to the rightmost side of the taskbar. However, the below steps still work to hide or unhide Copilot icon on Windows 11. Remove Copilot from the Taskbar To remove the Copilot icon, open the Settings app by pressingWindows key ...
It is a new era in Search, Chat, and Creation and with the new Bing and Edge you now have Your own Copilot for the Web. Today, we take the next major step forward and combine the incredible breadth and ease of use of the Windows PC with the amazing capability of the new AI...
We are aware that the Efficiency mode icon is missing on some child processes. Some settings options are not preserved. We are working on fixing issues regarding icon size, visual bugs and in most cases the workaround is to either resize Task Manager or lower the resolution settings from Sett...