当您使用控制面板启用该功能时,默认情况下也会选择要求“网络级别身份验证”的选项,这是您无论如何都希望允许的选项。 方法三:从命令提示符在 Windows 11 上启用远程桌面 要使用命令提示符启用远程桌面协议,请使用以下步骤: 1、打开开始。 2、搜索Command Prompt,右键单击最上面的结果,然后选择Run as administrator选...
<img src="https://winaero.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Windows-11-command-prompt-as-administrator.png" alt="Windows 11 Command Prompt As Administrator" width="850" height="479"> However, if you really need it to launch it elevated, you can easily do it. Obviously, to open a n...
File Location:Go toC:\Windows\System32, locate thecmd.exefile and click it to launch Command Prompt. If you need admin permissions, right-click this executable file and chooseRun as administrator. Open Command Prompt from Desktop Shortcut If you use Command Prompt frequently, you can add a s...
由于这次删除账户时把桌面的文件迁移到现在的Administrator上,有的快捷方式的组和用户名还残留着之前的账户,那么以桌面的Adobe Photoshop 2021为例,右键属性,点击安全,在组和用户名会看到未知用户,这个就是之前删除的账户。 然后点击高级,可以看到其中未知用户继承于“C:\Users\Administrator\”(因为之前删除账户时忘了...
1.3.2. 创建Administrator用户 如果与我上述情况一样,没有Administrator用户,通过WIN+R组合键(或者【开始】→【运行】)打开运行后,在运行中输入” lusrmgr.msc”按回车键运行载入lusrmgr界面(该命令需要在Windows 11专业版下运行)。双击本地用户和组(本地)下的用户→右键点击当前用户(dhy)→【属性】,去掉【帐户已...
1. Run Command Prompt as an administrator in Windows 11.Related article:How to Open Command Prompt (CMD) in Windows 11? (7 Ways). 2. In the CMD window, typenet userand pressEnterto list all the local user accounts on your computer. You should note the name of the account that you ...
Launch Command Prompt on Windows 11 2. On theCMD promptwindow, enter the commandnet user administratorto check the status of Administrator account. TheAccount Active = Noconfirms that the administrator account is disabled. Proceed to next step to enable the account. ...
you must be an administrator SeeHow to Open an Elevated Command Promptfor help starting Command Prompt as an administrator, a process that's a bit more complicated than what's outlined above. . For example, assuming you're currently in the Users folder and want to change to the Documents ...
步骤1:以管理员身份打开命令提示符 (Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator) 在任务栏的搜索框中输入“cmd”。 右键点击“命令提示符”,选择“以管理员身份运行”。 步骤2:输入关闭防火墙的命令 (Step 2: Enter Command to Disable Firewall) ...
如何在 Windows 11/10/8/7 中恢复用户配置文件? 您可以使用下面列出的方法在 Windows 中恢复已删除的用户文件: 方法1: 手动恢复已删除的用户配置文件 步1: 查找安全标识符 打字Command prompt在搜索栏中并选择Run as administrator. 打字whoami/user并按下Enter钥匙。 它将显示当前帐户的 SID。