例如,當您遇到奇怪的噪音時,當您的硬碟開始變熱時,或者當您頻繁收到錯誤訊息時,就該主動追蹤硬碟的運作狀況了。 本文提供了在 Windows 11/10 上檢查硬碟運作狀況的五種有效方法。其中之一,EaseUS Partition Master,是最簡單的。作為與磁碟分區相關的強大工具,它不僅檢查硬碟的健康狀況,還提供修復損壞的檔案系統和壞...
Consider this a bonus method if you're using Windows 11 and don't want to install a separate application on your PC to keep tabs on your SSD health. Here's how you can use the built-in analysis tool in Windows 11 to check the health of your SSD. Hit the Start button and search ...
How to check SSD for errors on Windows 10/11? Bad sectors will slow down your SSD, so locating bad sectors is very important. This article will give several ways to help you.
It's an error message popped up by the PC Health Check application which is a tool forchecking Windows 11 compatibility. When your computer doesn't reach the Windows 11 minimum system requirement as shown below, you'll receive the error message telling "This PC can't run Windows 11": As ...
Looking for Windows 10 specifications and requirements? Get Windows 10 specifications Check for compatibility Use the PC Health Check app to see if your PC can run Windows 11. Download PC Health Check app Follow Microsoft Windows Share this page...
CHKDSK ,也稱為 Microsoft Check Disk,是一個幾乎可以在所有 Windows 版本中使用的實用程式。 CHKDSK 命令用於掃描整個硬碟以查詢並修復任何錯誤。 例如,當您的電腦當機時,由於檔案系統損壞而無法存取某個磁碟,則可以使用 CHKDSK 指令來檢查並修復磁碟機錯誤。
1.Upgrade rollout plan is being finalized and is scheduled to begin late in 2021 and continue into 2023. Specific timing will vary by device. Certain features require specific hardware, see https://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-11#pchealthcheck ...
1.Upgrade rollout plan is being finalized and is scheduled to begin late in 2021 and continue into 2023. Specific timing will vary by device. Certain features require specific hardware, see https://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-11#pchealthcheck ...
Windows 10/11中的“IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL”错误通常是指系统文件完整性出现故障。现在,负责在系统上存储重要数据的 SSD 或 HDD 可能会损坏。它可能会导致您的 Windows PC 上出现此特定的 BSOD 错误。不过,解决方案也可以像使用内置实用程序修复损坏的 Windows 操作系统文件一样简单。您的 RAM 也有可能出现故障...
I took out the HHD and replaced it with the SSD. Then i plugged in the flash drive and installed my windows 11 on it, but now when i go to my manage settings it shows… Windows Hardware Performance Windows Hardware Performance Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run ...