Check what GPU you have via “System Information” Check graphics card specification using “DirectX Diagnostic” Check NVIDIA graphics card’s clock speed, memory size, etc. Check graphics card via Display Settings The easiest method to quickly check your graphics card is through the Advanced Displ...
There are other methods you can use to check and monitor the temperature of your GPU, though. A popular app is MSI Afterburner, which not only gives you the GPU temperature but a lot of other performance metrics related to gaming. You can also use HWiNFO or HWMonitor. MSI Afterburner MS...
You’ll find all of your GPU specs in the dialog box that appears. How to check PC specs on Windows 11 There are a number of ways to check your PC specs on Windows 11. The most common are using the ‘About’ page in settings and through the System Information app. We’ll run thro...
Here’s how to check your GPU through Windows 11 System Settings: Open Settings through the Start menu and click System, then Display. Scroll down to “Related settings” and click Advanced display. Under Display information you can see which graphics card is installed on your PC as well as...
If you would like to check the used status of other resources (such as Disk, Network, or GPU),please follow the above steps 3-6. End any malfunctioning processes While you observe someapplications occupy a larger percentage of the resource, and you are not using them, if you want to end...
我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
很多国内游戏要在Win 11上原生运行,可能会遇到挺多的障碍。除了当年英特尔CPU的安卓平板/手机给我们留下的印象外,大家可能还记得,在远古时代,安卓游戏是要区分GPU的,Mali GPU和高通Adreno GPU分别对应不同的数据包的。很难想象,现在的微软能突然解决这么多年都搞不定的兼容性问题。
Storage64 GB or larger storage device. SeeMore information on storage space to keep Windows 11 up-to-datefor more details. System firmwareUEFI, Secure Boot capable. Checkherefor information on how your PC might be able to meet this requirement. ...
Windows 11 还包括对 DirectStorage 的支持,这是我们首次在 Xbox Series X 和 Xbox Series S 控制台上引入的功能。当与 NVMe 固态驱动器和 DirectX 12 GPU 搭配使用时,实现 DirectStorage 的游戏可以受益于减少的加载时间并渲染更详细和更广阔的游戏世界。Windows 11 还包括内置的 Xbox 应用程序。通过 Xbox 应用...
GPU 直接可以从 NVMe 中读取素材,图源:Nvida 目前微软官方已在 Windows 11 规格[2] 界面展示了 DirectStorage 和 Auto HDR 的具体硬件需求:DirectStorage 功能需要 NVMe SSD、使用「标准 NVM Express 控制器」驱动程序和支持 Shader Model 6.0 的 GPU;Auto HDR 则仅需一台支持 HDR 的显示器。