Windows 11 版本 21H2 必需的诊断数据收集的是一组有限信息,此类信息对了解设备及其配置至关重要,包括基本设备信息、与质量相关的信息、应用兼容性和 Microsoft Store。必需的诊断数据有助于发现特定设备硬件或软件配置可能会出现的问题。 例如,它可以帮助确定具有特定内存量或运行特定驱动程序版本的设备上的崩溃是否...
(E_FAIL, m_device);// Let the OS know what notifications we are interested in by returning an array of// APO_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTORs.constexprDWORD numDescriptors =3; wil::unique_cotaskmem_ptr<APO_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR[]> apoNotificationDescriptors; apoNotificationDescriptors.reset(static...
Made some changes which should noticeably help improve the performance of the “calculating” phase when sending a large number of files at once in File Explorer to the recycle bin. [Cast] Building off the Cast improvements introduced withBuild 22631.2129, we have updated ...
Casting from your Windows PC allows you to wirelessly extend your display to another nearby PC, TV, or other external displays. We are introducing improvements that focus on educating users about the Cast feature and improving its discoverability in Windows 11. Those improvements include: ...
[in] MiracastHandle 向Miracast 显示设备提供驱动程序的句柄。 此句柄最初在调用 DxgkDdiMiracastCreateContext 函数中传入 DXGK_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_CALLBACKS 结构的 MiracastHandle 成员。 [in] pChunkInfo 指向DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_INFO 结构的指针,该结构包含要由显示微型端口驱动程序报告的区块信息。 ...
Windows 10 Screen cast via LAN Windows 10 Search (Indexing) Network Share Windows 10 search indexing at snail's pace, Event ID 10023 every 8 minutes Windows 10 search service will not start (the system cannot find the file specified) Windows 10 services not starting up Windows 10 set time ...
void MainPage::Number_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { Button^ b = safe_cast<Button^>(sender); long nID = (safe_cast<String^>(b->Content)->Data())[0] - L'0'; presentationModel_->ClickedNumber(nID); } void MainPage::Divide_Click(Platform...
I highly recommend that you use the IntPtr type. The reason is that with hooks you often need to cast that value to a particular data structure, a practice that is forbidden if the base type is a value type, as is an integer. Avoid using the object type, because the .NET object typ...
but using the result of the cast isn't necessarily. It's a cast that doesn't make any sense though - on a 64bit platform, a Rust function pointer can never fit into 32 bits, so requiring it to go through an intermediary, e.g. usize, could help prevent such accidents. Member saeth...
timeSetEvent()的参数含义参考timeSetEvent function (Windows) | Microsoft Learn 为了方便跨平台,封装为1个头文件,使用时引入即可。 HighResolutionTimer.hpp #ifndef HIGHRESOLUTIONTIMER_H#defineHIGHRESOLUTIONTIMER_H#ifdefined(_MSC_VER_) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__) ||...