创建一个名为“LabConfig”的项,接着在“LabConfig”下创建两个 DWORD 值: 键为“BypassTPMCheck”,值为“00000001” 键为“BypassSecureBootCheck”,值为“00000001”未测试 2. 在用Windows 11 安装助手时,删除C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\中的appraiserres.dll文件,亲测无效 3. 用 win11 ISO 安装包文件替换 ...
通常来说要绕过 Windows 11 的系统要求,我们可以在安装 Windows 11 时按下 SHIFT + F10 打开 CMD.EXE,并在 CMD.EXE 中打开 REGEDIT.EXE 来修改注册表,主要是在 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup 下创建 LabConfig 注册表键,然后在 LabConfig 键下创建 BypassTPMCheck 和 BypassSecureBootCheck 等注册表键值,...
"AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU"=dword:00000001 复制代码 注释:BypassTPMCheck是绕过TPM检测;Bypas...
在遇到Windows 11安装助手提示PC配置不满足时,定位到C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources,找到appraiserres.dll并删除,接着回到安装助手界面,点击后退,再下一步即可。 方法二: 用记事本创建注册表文件bypass.reg,内容如下 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig] "BypassTPMCheck"=d...
BypassTPMCheck:将值设置为1。BypassSecureBootCheck:将值设置为1。7.关闭注册表编辑器并继续安装。方法二:修改安装介质文件 通过修改Windows 11的安装文件,可以在安装过程中跳过TPM 2.0检测。步骤 :1.将下载的Windows 11 ISO文件挂载到系统,或者使用工具解压到文件夹中。2.找到sources文件夹中的appraiserres....
总的来说就是使用Rufus制作U盘windows11启动盘进行安装。 How to Bypass Windows 11's TPM Requirement Using Rufus With Rufus, a free utility, you can create a Windows 11 install disk on a USB Flash drive with settings that disable the TPM, RAM and CPU requirements. You can either boot off of...
Bypass the Check for TPM and Processor To one’s surprise, Microsoft offers a simple way to bypass Windows 11 requirements to TPM 2.0 and CPU model on its official website. On the webpage ofways to install Windows 11, it mentions that you can edit Windows Registry to let the PC meets ...
1 确认你需不需要开启TPM 有些电脑默认已经开启了TPM功能,所以不需要任何操作即可正常安装、更新Windows...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMSetupLabConfig] "BypassTPMCheck"= dword:00000001 "BypassSecureBootCheck"= dword:00000001 "BypassRAMCheck"= dword:00000001 "BypassStorageCheck"= dword:00000001 "BypassCPUCheck"= dword:00000001 ...
"BypassTPMCheck"=dword:00000001 "BypassSecureBootCheck"=dword:00000001 "BypassRAMCheck"=dword:00000001 "BypassStorageCheck"=dword:00000001 "BypassCPUCheck"=dword:00000001Copy and paste the text, including the "Window Registry Editor Version 5.00" part, it should look like in the screenshot below. ...