2023 年 10 月 26 日,大家好,面向 Beta 频道的 Windows 预览体验成员,微软现已发布 Windows 11 Insider PreviewBuild 22635.2552(KB5031448) 内部版本 主要变化如下: Build 22635.2552 一 重要提醒:调整了 Beta 的更新通道,不再分割 Build 22621.x 和 Build 22631.x 预览版, 以后将统一使用 Build 22635 更新;...
2023年01月4日,微软向Beta 频道内的Windows 预览体验成员,正式发布了Windows 11 Insider PreviewBuild 22635.2921 (KB5034212)最新版本,主要内容如下: Windows11 23H2 Build22635.2921 一 提醒:Beta 频道中现在都将通过启用包使用同一版本 Build 22635,未来版本中将在两个存储桶中记录新版本更改:新功能、改进和修复。
2023年11月28日,面向 Beta 频道的 Windows 预览体验成员,微软今天推送了 Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.2776 内部版本(KB5032292)主要内容如下: KB5032292 一、提醒:现在都将通过“启用包”使用同一内部版本 22635,未来将在两个存储桶中记录 Beta 频道内部版本中的更改:新功能、改进和修复推出。 打开切换开...
Microsoft is resuming testing of a new virtual keyboard layout in Windows 11, which is designed for Xbox gamepads. The new keyboard layout offers an intuitive interface with vertically arranged buttons for easy typing. For convenience, the buttons on the gamepad are equated to certain keys. For ...
微软Windows 11 23H2最新版,微软Win11预览更新版Win11 Build 22635最新预览版系统镜像,微软Windows 11 23...
Windows 11 Build 22635.4510 (Beta) officially reveals the Share button in Start & taskbarMicrosoft has released Windows 11 (version 23H2) Build 22635.4510 (KB5046716) to Windows Insiders in the Beta channel. It officially introduces the ability to share files from jump lists in the taskbar a...
北京时间 2024 年 2 月 23 日, Microsoft 向 Windows Insider Canary Channel 推送了 Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26063 ,该版本对“SimSun-ExtB”字体进行了更新。 9月 21 日, Microsoft 又分别向 Windows Insider Beta Channel 与 Dev Channel 推送了 Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.4225 与 Buil...
Hello Windows Insiders, today we are releasingWindows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.2915 (KB5033456)to the Beta Channel.This will be our last Beta Channel flight until January 2024. REMINDER: All Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel will now be on the same build (Build 22635....
Hello Windows Insiders, today we are releasingWindows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.4435 (KB5044377)to the Beta Channel. Changes in Beta Channel builds and updates are documented in two buckets: new features, improvements, and fixes that are being gradually rolled out ...
https://www.elevenforum.com/t/kb5052078-windows-11-insider-beta-build-22635-4950-23h2-feb-21.33637/ 8 minutes ago Brinkposted the threadInsiderKB5052078 Windows 11 Insider Beta build 22635.4950 (23H2) - Feb. 21inWindows 11 News. Windows Blogs: Hello Windows Insiders, today we are releasing...