1月 5 日消息,黑客滥用微软 Win10 / Win11 系统中内置的错误报告工具 Windows Problem Reporting(WerFault.exe),通过 DLL 旁加载技术在受感染设备的内存上运行恶意软件。 黑客首先通过合法的 Windows 可执行文件来启动恶意软件,整个过程并不会触发任何警告,从而隐蔽的感染设备。K7 Security Labs 安全公司...
Windows 11 版本 24H2 必需的诊断数据收集的是一组有限信息,此类信息对了解设备及其配置至关重要,包括基本设备信息、与质量相关的信息、应用兼容性和 Microsoft Store。必需的诊断数据有助于发现特定设备硬件或软件配置可能会出现的问题。 例如,它可以帮助确定具有特定内存量或运行特定驱动程序版本的设备上的崩溃是否...
I'm running the latest non-beta versions of both Win 11 and Aida64 and Aida64 is not reporting CPU usage correctly. HWinfo64 and MSI Afterburner don't seem to be having any issues, so Windows doesn't seem be the only cause of the issue. I'm slightly more perturbed than I would be...
While it's true that Windows 11 still uses 10.x for its version, thenameis Windows 11 Pro but Dart reports Windows 10 Pro. This can be confusing to users filing bug reports. I'm not sure where the string "Windows 10 Pro" is coming from, as I only see "Windows 11 Pro" in Window...
编译安装后命令行gpmetis.exe会没有文件写入输出。 具体如下: 运行: .\gpmetis.exe .\4elt.graph 4 没有产生类似4elt.graph.4这种分区文件。 使用源码跟踪: 此时有: /***//*! This function writes out the partition vector *//***/voidWritePartition(char*fname,idx_t*part,idx_tn,...
This forum isn't for reporting bugs in Windows 11. Windows provides the Feedback tool directly in the OS to report OS errors. If this issue is related to your use of Azure B2C then please be more specific. Please sign in to rate this answer. 0 comments No comments Report a conce...
windows10错误报告服务旨在帮助确保您的PC以最佳状态运行。 Windows错误报告(WER)背后的核心思想是让微软随时了解使用Windows的用户问题。 windows10错误报告服务旨在帮助确保您的PC以***状态运行。 Windows错误报告(WER)背后的核心思想是让微软随时了解使用Windows的用户问题。
2018年12月,名为“SandboxEscaper”的一名黑客公开了Windows Error Reporting(WER,Windows错误报告)组件中的一个0day漏洞。深入分析这个漏洞后,我发现了另一个0day漏洞,该漏洞可以用来提升至系统权限。根据微软的安全公告,攻击者一直在实际环境中利用该漏洞发起攻击,攻击活动直到2019年5月份微软推出安全补丁才暂告一段落。
During OOBE onboarding, ensure the device is upgraded to the Enterprise edition of Windows 11, version 24H2. After upgrading to the Enterprise edition of Windows 11, version 24H2, sync the device. Once the device is synced, reboot it to get it enrolled in DFCI. ...
Submitting the report will send it directly into the internal Visual Studio bug reporting system awaiting triage.Each one of your problem reports becomes a work item in our core engineering system, empowering you to engage directly with our product teams to help us identify and resolve impactful ...