Note: If your device cannot boot at all, please refer to this article:Troubleshooting - Computer Boot Failure or No Display After Boot (Black Screen). Note: If your device is stuck at the ASUS or ROG logo screen during boot, please refer to this article:Troubleshooting - Stuck at ASUS/RO...
A boot failure can generally occur due to any issue that prevents the boot manager from loading the operating system. These issues can be caused by hardware or software problems and may require different solutions. If you want to know more about repair tools on Windows 11, click the link bel...
Method 2. Windows 11 Won't Boot After Update Sometimes, computers don't function properly after a new Windows update, and there is no need to panic in such a situation. Follow the steps below to resolve problems when Windows 11 won't boot after the update. Solution 1. Restart the PC C...
SecureBootCapable 支援安全開機的系統能透過 BIOS 關閉此功能。 此欄位會顯示系統是否能夠執行安全開機,而不管 BIOS 的設定為何。 ShadowStack SYSTEM_SHADOW_STACK_INFORMATION 的位元欄位代表 Intel CET (Control Enforcement Technology) 硬體安全性功能的狀態。 SModeState Windows S 模式追蹤狀態。 SystemGuard...
Troubleshooting - Device Boot Failure or No Display After Boot (Black Screen) [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Failure to Detect Graphics Card [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - External Display Connection Issues [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Main (Internal) Display problemApplicable...
Troubleshooting - Device Boot Failure or No Display After Boot (Black Screen) [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Failure to Detect Graphics Card Laptop Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - External Display Connection Issues [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Main (In...
Part 1. Why is My Windows 10/11 Not Booting Properly? As you start looking for ways to get your system up and running, finding out why it is not working is important. Several factors can cause Windows 10/11 to fail during the boot process. Summarized below are a few main causes of ...
NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE錯誤 讀取小型記憶體轉儲檔案 初始化 PMem 或 NVDIMM 時停止程式代碼 停止錯誤 7B 或Inaccessible_Boot_Device疑難解答 使用KB4568831 更新停止 Lenovo ThinkPad 上的錯誤 停止錯誤或藍色畫面錯誤疑難解答 更新現用的 Broadcom 網路適配器驅動程式時停止錯誤 ...
更新或卸載顯示驅動程式。嘗試MIGRATE_DATA作業時,FIRST_BOOT階段安裝失敗。 這可能是因為顯示驅動程式發生問題。 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D檢查setupmem.dmp檔案的補充復原記錄,或檢查任何未預期的重新啟動或錯誤事件記錄檔。 檢閱復原記錄檔,並判斷停止程序代碼。
KiRaiseSecurityCheckFailure+0x3d3 11 : ntdll!RtlpHpFreeWithExceptionProtection$filt$0+0x44 12 : ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x96 13 : ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd 14 : ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x358 15 : ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatch+0x2e 16 : ntdll!RtlpHpVsContextFree+0x11e 17 ...