下载 Windows 11 ISO: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 如果你使用的是M1 Mac,你不能使用英特尔(x64)版本的Windows 11。相反,你需要注册Windows Insider Program,然后下载一份Windows Client ARM64 Insider Preview,这将是一个VHDX磁盘镜像文件。Windows Client ARM64 Insider Prev...
qemu-img convert -O vmdk ~/Downloads/Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_25375.VHDX ~/Desktop/windows11.vmdk -p 执行上述命令后,会将.VHDX文件转换为.VMDK 就是这样,我们已经创建了一个 VMWare 兼容的磁盘文件。创建虚拟机 现在,单击创建一个新的虚拟机。 选择 Microsoft Windows,然后选择 ...
To access this page, you need to be a member of the Windows Insider program. Learn moreAlready an Insider? Sign in using theSign inoption on the upper right of this page. On smaller devices, open the navigation menu on the upper left, then sign in using theSign inoption on the upper...
Deleted Hello, suggest that you follow steps from below link to download Windows 11 ARM ISO. Hello try with this link: https://software.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_22598.VHDX?t=267ac141-9386-4424-b0ef-cee3f8a5af77...
Little_JoeHey. I have the same problem. Could you send me the link? I can't download theWindows 11 on ARM Insider Preview Jiaebella Hello, try the following one: https://software.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_25158.VHDX?t=56...
Easybell 2.1.30 11 ✅ EDS Lite 12 ✅ Tested on an Intel x86-64 CPU (may work on AMD64 or ARM64). Recommended to add the exFAT module if you have a container that use this filesystem. eGovPH 2.0.4 13 ⚠️ Tested on a WSA install with GMS and It's also re...
然后转到第二个链接https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewARM64,下载适用于 ARM64 VHDX Image 的 Windows 11。 现在,选择测试版,并下载图像文件。 请记住,Microsoft 不支持在 Apple Silicon 上安装 Windows 11,但仍然可以运行 Windows 11 的评估副本。 下载VMWare Fusion 13 然后...
qemu-img convert -p -f vhdx -O vmdk Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_22483.VHDX win11.vmdk 其中,-p选项指显示进度条;-f和-O选项分别用于指定输入和输出格式;最后两个参数分别为输入和输出的文件路径,请根据实际情况和需求调整。例如,如果选用 UTM,则应将命令中的各处vmdk替换为qcow2。
由于下载的是ARM版的Windows 11,你可以在下一个画面中点击Virtuallize(虚拟化)按钮,这样Windows就可以原生地运行在M1或M2上。(如果你下载的是英特尔版的Windows,但想在M1或M2的Mac上运行,就只能选择Emulate(模拟),其速度就要慢得多。) 下一个界面选...
此前,微软只向 Windows Insider 计划中的用户提供 Windows 11 Arm 下载。而且,仅以 VHDX 文件的形式...