根据Reddit用户SPEEDCAT的爆料,他成功在树莓派的4GB内存版上安装运行了Win11系统,过程也很简单,从网上下载ARM64位版的Win11系统,按照之前装Win10系统的方法将ISO写入到闪存中就行了。 从他的体验来看,Win11在树莓派4上运行的很流畅,体验比Win10还好。 不过他公布了四张截图,没有公布树莓派4的实机运行Win11的视频。
经过这番设置后, VMware里的windows 11 与原版的更接近了。接下来,就是期待官方的3d支持加上,2d的速度给补上。这样子会给 Parallels 带来一定的压力(好贵)。对于日常办公 Word之类的文字处理来说,目前,Arm Win11 + Microsoft Office 365的组合效果不错,在iPad上可以码字,过会儿就可以同步到桌面端的 Wor...
Reddit is the place where people come together to have the most authentic and interesting conversations on the internet—Where gaming communities, nostalgic internet forums, bloggers, meme-makers, and fandoms mingle alongside video streamers, support groups, news junkies, armchair experts, seasoned profe...
{"__ref":"User:user:38497"},"revisionNum":1,"uid":3766052,"depth":27,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:WindowsInsiderProgram"},"subject":"Re: Cannot download Windows 11 ARM Insider Preview ISO","readOnly":false,"editFro...
If you want to install Windows 11 on an Arm-based computer, you need to first download Windows 11 Arm ISO, then create a Windows 11 installation USB drive, and then install Windows 11 on a virtual machine. Step 1: Download Windows 11 Arm64 ISO ...
至于为什么不支持同样2017年发布的AMD第一代Zen架构处理器,Intel给出的回答是:与AMD经过了仔细的分析,认为第一代Zen架构处理器并不适合(升级Windows 11),所以不会添加相关型号。 当然,初代Zen架构用户可以通过ISO镜像手动安装Windows 11,但微软不会提供更新支持,打不上新补丁——对很多喜欢安静的用户来说,这某种程度...
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We have encountered a problem processing your request. Please try again later. Could you send me a separate link? Little_Joe Hello, suggest that you follow steps from below link to download Windows 11 ARM ISO. Error We encountered a problem processing your request. Ple...
Describe the issue After an update to Windows 11 ARM Insider Preview 26200.5001 when the VM rebooted the screen was black/blank. The VM seemed to be doing stuff underneath. I could workaround/fix this by Changing the display device from ...
Some of you are Arm users and want to run Windows 11 on your Arm, then you need to download Windows 11 Pro ISO Arm. Follow the steps below: Step 1: Visit the website of UUP Dump. Step 2: Search for Windows 11 and you can find some builds of this system. Choose one Windows 11...