转眼一年过去,ARM64EC 终于迎来了面向 Windows 11 的更完整支持。 据悉,ARM64EC 的“EC”,是“仿真兼容”(Emulation Compatible)的缩写。 其设想是提供一个二进制接口(ABI),以便开发者使用 x64 和 ARM代码构建应用程序。 这意味着 ARM 代码可在 Windows 11 设备上原生运行,而其它特定于 x64 的代码则会通过...
应用生态的支持对于终端消费者而言至关重要,而原生应用的支持能提供更好的性能和更低的功耗。微软为了进一步推动Windows on Arm原生应用的支持,在Windows 11 on Arm引入了新的Arm64EC (“Emulation Compatible”) 应用程序二进制接口支持,从而能够帮助开发人员逐步实现从x64向Arm64架构的应用迁移。微软的Visual ...
据悉,ARM64EC 的“EC”,是“仿真兼容”(Emulation Compatible)的缩写。 其设想是提供一个二进制接口(ABI),以便开发者使用 x64 和 ARM 代码构建应用程序。这意味着 ARM 代码可在Windows11 设备上原生运行,而其它特定于 x64 的代码则会通过仿真方式运行。 截图(来自:WindowsBlogs) 作为Windows on ARM 项目的一...
此外,微软面向开发者推出了一个全新的 ARM 开发工具ARM64EC,ARM64EC 是一种适用于 ARM 版 Win11 的新应用程序二进制接口 (ABI),EC 代表 Emulation Compatible(仿真兼容)。 微软表示,ARM64EC 可以与 x64 完美兼容,达到原生运行的性能。有了这个工具,开发者不必将自己的应用在 ARM 平台重新开发构建,而是先构建...
Code built as Arm64EC is interoperable with x64 code running under emulation within the same process. The Arm64EC code in the process runs with native performance, while any x64 code runs using emulation that comes built-in with Windows 11. Even if your app relies on existing dependencies ...
the Windows 11 Insider SDK can use it to incrementally transition apps to ARM. That x64 interoperability differentiates the new EC offering from the existingARM64 ABI. The ARM64EC code in an app will run natively while any x64 code will run using Windows 11 via ARM's built-in emulation....
32-bit Arm architecture (commonly calledArmin other documentation). PCs powered by Arm provide great application compatibility and allow you to run your existing unmodified x86 win32 applications. Arm apps run natively without any emulation, while x86 and x64 apps run under emulation on Arm ...
Windows on Arm Overview Add Arm support to your app FAQs How emulation works on Arm Devices Arm64EC for Windows 11 apps Arm developer tools Windows on Arm ISO files Windows on Arm VM with Azure Visual Studio for Arm Visual Studio Code for Arm64 ...
11 on ARM that runs with native speed and is interoperable with x64. An app, process, or even a module can freely mix and match ARM64EC and x64 as needed. The ARM64EC code in the app will run natively while any x64 code will run using Wind...
Guidance for adding Arm64 support to your app. Optimize your x64 app to perform better on Windows devices powered by Arm processors so that CPU, GPU, and NPU performance is accelerated, less power is consumed to preserve battery life, and wi-fi and mobil