1. Add “This PC” to Desktop in Windows 11 You can follow the steps below to Add “This PC” Shortcut Icon to the desktop of your Windows 11 computer. 1.Right-click in anyempty spaceon the Desktop of your computer and selectPersonalizein the menu that appears. 2.On the Personalizatio...
如果需要将驱动程序添加到 WinPE,请使用 Dism /Add-Driver。 仅当 WinPE 尚不包含硬件的驱动程序时,才需要执行此操作。下面演示了如何将驱动程序添加到 WinPE:备注 此方法需要基于 .inf 的驱动程序。command 复制 dism /image:C:\winpe_amd64\mount /Add-Driver /driver:"C:\Out-of-Box Drivers\mydriver....
但多次切换就有点灾难了,在 Windows 10 按住 Ctrl + Win 并多次按左右方向键时,滑动动画经历「加速 > 连续的桌面滑动(哪怕有来回)> 减速」停到目标桌面,而在 Windows 11 中,多次切换时,每次都会经历完整的「加速 > 减速」动画,相当于把单次切换简单的拼接起来,这样的动画在频繁切换时会显得有些拖沓。 以上...
虽然 noMeiryoUI 依然兼容 Windows 11,Windows 11 上更多的系统组件、官方应用并不默认遵守该设置,导致字体修改效果十分有限。 因此在 Windows 11 上我选择一种比较 dirty 但是好用的手段──将其他字体(例如更纱黑体)重新打包成伪装的「微软雅黑」并移动至 Windows 字体文件夹下以欺骗系统。 chenh96/yahei-sarasa...
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" /v FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays /t reg_dword /d 35 /f 再配合任务计划程序实现自动化。这样就可以根据自己的节奏推迟更新、累计更新,例如每六周推迟五周等。 至于彻底禁止 Windows 更新,其实上文提到的通过注册表推迟到一个不可能的天...
If you no longer want the “My Computer/This PC” icon to appear on your desktop, you can repeat these steps and uncheck the box next to “My Computer” to remove it. Here is a short video of this method: Add to Task Bar – This PC Windows 11 ...
In this guide, I’ll show you step-by-step how toadd or show the This PC (My Computer) icon on the desktop in Windows 11. Before You Begin My Computer is called “This PC”on Windows 11. If you are using Windows 10, follow this guide toshow My Computer in Windows 10. ...
✅ How to add my windows 11 desktop PC as a device to my microsoft account:Dear Sir/Madam,I have bought a legal Windows 11 retail copy for +/- 200 EUR for my desktop PC see attached pictures. First I installed it on a 2...
Hi, Today’s blog is going to cover some tips around preparing your organization for activating...Date: 09/15/2015Unable to add file shares in a Windows 2012 R2 Failover ClusterMy name is Chinmoy Joshi and I am a Support Escalation Engineer with the Windows Core team...Date...
Windows 10 在初次使用的时候可以跳过网络连接设置,选择「离线账户」。这样可以避免微软账户的一些设置,但也会导致一些功能无法使用。而 Windows 11 在安装时──至少从 UI 来看──会强制要求连接网络并登录 Microsoft 账户。 如果你只想通过离线账户使用,或碰上微软服务抽风偏偏又无法登录的情况,在这一步可通过Shift...