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appops set [package name] ACTIVATE_VPN allow Launching Android Apps with URI scheme Microsoft provides a custom URI scheme for WSA, making it easier to launch apps: wsa://[App Package Name] For example, to launch Apple Music in WSA, use: wsa:// Support tables Apps...
Although you can still use the other methods outlined in this guide, the installation process has changed with the release of Windows 11 24H2. If you plan to install the latest version of the operating system, downloading the ISO file and using the Rufus tool is perhaps the easiest way to ...
2、编辑“webui.bat”文件 紧接着在PyCharm窗口中打开打开“webui.bat”文件,CTRL+F在搜索框里输入“Scripts”,将带“/Scripts/”的字符路径删掉,比如语句是: #原语句::activate_venvset PYTHON="%VENV_DIR%\Scripts\Python.exe"echo venv %PYTHON%#删除修改后的语句::activate_venvset PYTHON="%VENV_DIR%...
Once you've located the command prompt file, open it by entering the following command in a regular command prompt window:Windows Command Prompt Copy "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" Or enter the following command in the Windows Run dialog ...
从GitHub克隆:git clone 运行vcpkg文件夹中的引导脚本。 C:\src\vcpkg> .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat Ubuntu:~/$ ./ 现在vcpkg.exe在版本库的根目录下了。 你现在都准备好了(无需安装,无需注册...该工具和相关的 "lib文件夹 "是可以复制的) 可用的...
conda activate lmd 并进入sd-webui项目根目录再执行 webui-user.bat 14.如果在Installgfpgan卡住或者失败 到github下载源码包 然后放到F:\stable-diffusion-webui\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts目录下 然后执行以下命令 ...
输入conda activate stable_diffusion回车,激活虚拟环境 (stable_diffusion) D:\data\icoding\git_hub\dhuman\stable-diffusion-webui> 在虚拟环境升级pip,并设置pip的默认库包下载地址为清华镜像 python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip config set global.index-url
1. 首先在界面中点击绿色的“code”按钮,下载所有的code和软件,并解压。 2. 将(下载路径)..\PoreBlazer-main\Windows\HKUST1下的run.bat、input.dat、defaults.dat和UFF.atoms文件复制到一个新文件夹下备用。(重要!每次运行都需要这些文件,一定要保留原始版本) ...
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