尋找Windows 11 版本 23H2 最近解決之問題的相關信息。 若要尋找特定問題,請在瀏覽器上使用搜尋函式, (CTRL + F 來Microsoft Edge) 。 如需 Windows 更新問題的立即協助,如果您使用 Windows 裝置開啟 [取得說明] 應用程式或移至[support.microsoft.com],請按兩下這裡。 請遵循@WindowsUpdateX (先前的 Windows...
My PC is currently running Windows 11 23H2 and has received the feature update for Windows 11 24H2. Despite meeting all the minimum system requirements, it shows the message: "This PC doesn't currently meet the Windows 11 system requirements,"
If you are still running Windows 10, you will need tocheck if your PC can run Windows 11before upgrading to Windows 11 23H2. If your PC is eligible, you can go to Windows Update to check for updates and install Windows 11 23H2 if it is available on your device. However, if you ar...
I tried in vain to get the 23H2 update on my ARM64 install of Windows 11 Pro. A bit of searching leads me to believe that 23H2 requires DirectX 12, and therefor
Microsoft Update Catalog 是 若要取得此更新的獨立套件,請移至Microsoft Update Catalog網站。 Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 是 如果您設定下列產品和分類,此更新將會自動與 WSUS 同步處理: 產品:Windows 11 版本 22H2 和 Windows 11 版本 23H2 ...
Thank you for posting your query, I will be glad to help you. Your HP Laptop 15s-fq5112TU running Windows 11 version 23H2 may not be receiving driver updates for several reasons. Here are some possible explanations and steps you can take to address the issu...
Windows 11 23H2 is now available as an optional update, but users must enable the latest updates toggle to receive it via Windows Update. The Media Creation Tool currently creates the Windows 11 22H2 USB drive instead of the latest version, but Microsoft is working on a fix that will be...
惠普在其 Spectre 系列产品规格文档中,多次提及了 Windows 11 2024 Update,从侧面证实了 Windows 11 下一个重大更新的存在。微软已经确定 Windows 11 24H2 的版本名称,不过是否会继续使用“Windows 11 2024 Update”仍存在疑问。IT之家注:文件显示 Wi-Fi 7 的最低门槛是“Windows 11 2024 Update”,具体来说...
22H2 and 23H2. Note that 23H2 will always contain the improvements for the supported editions of 22H2. However, the supported editions of 22H2 will not contain the improvements for 23H2. The update history page will provide you with the build numbers for 22H2 and 23H...
23H2 正式版的启用包,卸载更新中启用包显示为“Feature Update forWindows 11 23H2via Enablement ...