• 然后您需要重新启动电脑以检查您是否可以正常使用Windows Hello。 调整Windows 注册表 有时您可能会遇到windows hello人脸识别无法正常工作的情况,因为在此过程中域用户的PIN登录背后的过程被重置。并且需要在 Windows 10 上重新启用 PIN 登录才能使用 Windows Hello。您可以通过修改 Windows 注册表来做到这一点。 ...
✅ Windows Hello not working on windows 10:Hello,I checked for updates and I am up to date. I want to use Windows Hello PIN and Windows Hello Face but it shows me "Something went wrong. Try...
Windows10 方法/步骤 1 按下键盘上的【win】+【R】后,输入【gpedit.msc】 2 在【计算机配置】-【Windows设置】-【安全设置】-【本地策略】-【安全选项】中,找到【用户账户控制】:用于内置管理员账户的管理员批准模式,将这个策略设置为启用状态。
4、找到相关的生物识别设备项然后卸载其驱动后,根据该设备的生产厂家的官网上去下载对应的驱动来安装。 重新开启服务,和安装驱动之后就可以让Win10的Windows Hello功能重新启用了。
Windows Hello is a secure and convenient way to log into your Windows computer. However, we have noticed that sometimes,Windows Hello ceases to workeven when the camera is working fine. In this post, we will see what to do whenWindows Hello is not working on your Windows 11/10 computer....
✅ Windows Hello Not Working:I'm running Windows 11 and can't get the Facial Recognition to work. Going to settings, it says "This options is currently unavailable" and when I do...
1首先我们需要把电脑升级到win10,然后点击任务栏下面的消息的按钮,在弹出的设置里面,点击右上角的全部设置,进入下一个设置页面 2在下一个设置页面内,我们直接使用右上角的搜索框,输入“指纹”进行搜索回车之后。关闭Windows Hello步骤1打开设置账户登录选项在WindowsHello下面点击“删除”按钮即可,无...
Since the 1809 update Windows Hello doesn't work anymore on my Surface Pro (2017).The lockscreen shows either 'Sorry - something went wrong. Please sign in...
windows hello在此设备上不可用怎么办,下面来一起看看如何操作。工具/原料 联想y7000 Windows10 方法/步骤 1 点击【开始】,选择【头像】,选择【更改账户设置】。点击【登录选项】,点击【添加】,添加密码。2 依次输入【新密码】、【重新输入密码】、【密码提示】,点击【下一步】。3 在【PIN】下方点击【添加...
massage " this option is currently unavailable" and the set up bottom is gray, so i can't do anything. I've just undated the windows today but it doesn't work. but when I used my sister's Microsoft account, it was working and i could set up windows hello in the laptop. any ...